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Here are all the records with last initial "A".
the website for the commutative algebra community
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Here are all the records with last initial "A".
Your search returned 19 record(s). Click on a name for more information about that person (including email address). You can also go back to the main page.
Abbott, John | Università di Genova |
Aberbach, Ian | University of Missouri-Columbia |
Abo, Hirotachi | University of Idaho |
Aghapournahr, Moharram | Arak University |
Ahmadi Amoli, Khadijeh | Payame Noor University |
Al-Ayyoub, Ibrahim | Jordan University of Science and Technology |
Altmann, Hannah | Dakota State University |
Àlvarez-Montaner, Josep | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
Anderson, Daniel | University of Iowa |
Anderson, David | University of Tennessee (Knoxville) |
Anjom SHoa, Mohammad Hassan | University of Birjand |
Anwar, Imran | Abdus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences |
Apossov, Dmitri | Högskolan i Gävle |
Aramova, Annetta | |
Arnold, Elizabeth | James Madison University |
Arslan, Feza | Middle East Technical University |
Asadollahi, Javad | IPM and University of Isfahan |
Avramov, Luchezar | University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Axtell, Mike | University of St. Thomas |