Wiegandfest, Lincoln NE, May 2005

These are some photos from the Nebraska Commutative Algebra Conference: WiegandFest! held in Lincoln, Nebraska, May 7-9 2005. Enjoy!

Photo credits: GL = Graham Leuschke, MM = Moira McDermott. Please let us know if you have pictures you'd like to add to this page. We'd be grateful for any contributions.

The conference had two parts: the mathematical program (Wiegandfest East) was followed by a Mountain Retreat in Colorado (Wiegandfest West). We've broken down our photos the same way.

the mathematical program

the group photo

the lectures

the banquet

the party at Mark and Judy Walker's house

the mountain retreat




There were also a few other photos that aren't quite as good as these, but may be interesting to someone: