The BRIDGES conference (Building Relationships for an Inclusive and Diverse Group of Emerging Students) is aimed towards early graduate students and advanced undergraduate students interested in algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, geometric group theory, and number theory. The speakers in the June 2022 edition will be Angela Gibney, University of Pennsylvania Daniel Hernández, University of Kansas Marissa … Continue reading "BRIDGES 2022"
Roots of Unity
This week-long workshop will be held on June 12-16, 2022, and it is designed to support women, particularly women of color, who have completed 1–3 years of graduate school and are considering research in algebra, combinatorics, geometry, topology, or number theory. Apply here by February 15, 2022. More information on the workshop website. Workshop Groups: Commutative … Continue reading "Roots of Unity"
75+80=155 years of commutative algebra: a conference in honor of Bruns and Herzog
There will be a school and a conference dedicated to Winfried Bruns and Jürgen Herzog on the occasion of their 75th and 80th birthday in Osnabrück, June 13 -17, 2022. Confirmed speakers of the school are: Jan Draisma (Universität Bern) Alessandro De Stefani (Universitá di Genova) Martina Juhnke-Kubitzke (Universität Osnabrück) Thomas Kahle (OvGU Magdeburg) Conference: Keynote … Continue reading "75+80=155 years of commutative algebra: a conference in honor of Bruns and Herzog"
Homological Commutative Algebra and Related Topics
A conference entitled "Homological Commutative Algebra and Related Topics" is to be held in person at Georgia Southern University - Armstrong Campus in Savannah on June 14-16, 2022. The "Related Topics" include algebraic geometry, combinatorics, representation theory, deformation theory, and rational homotopy theory. The website of the conference is below and will be completed as … Continue reading "Homological Commutative Algebra and Related Topics"
XVII EACA (Meeting on computational algebra and applications)
The XVII Encuentro de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones will be held in Castellón de la Plana, Spain, in June 20--22. More details can be found on the conference webpage.
MEGA – Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry
MEGA - Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry - will take place in Krakow (Poland) on June 20-24. It will feature invited talks, as well as contributed presentations. The deadline for contributed presentations is February 21, but it will soon be extended to the end of February. Please see the workshop website for more information and … Continue reading "MEGA – Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry"
Learning Workshop and Conference on Algebraic Geometry and Singularities
There will be a Learning Workshop followed by a Conference on Algebraic Geometry and Singularities at the University of Washington at Seattle on June 20 - June 26, 2022. The speakers for the learning workshop are: Kęstutis Česnavičius (Institut de Mathématique d'Orsay) Mircea Mustață (University of Michigan) Kevin Tucker (University of Illinois Chicago) Chenyang Xu … Continue reading "Learning Workshop and Conference on Algebraic Geometry and Singularities"
PASCA 2022
There will be a graduate summer school in Guanajuato, Mexico (the Pan-American School in Commutative Algebra) in June 20–July 1, 2022. Speakers: José González (University of California, Riverside): Lectures on toric varieties Claudia Miller (Syracuse University): Algebra structures on free resolutions Luis Núñez Betancourt (CIMAT, México): Differential operators in commutative algebra Claudia Polini (University of Notre … Continue reading "PASCA 2022"
WARTHOG is a summer graduate school which is focused on a single topic. The goal is to get deep and reach a new and exciting result, while meeting a lot of broadly applicable math along the way... but starting from the basics. We get there with a strong emphasis on exercises. The workshop is intended … Continue reading "WARTHOG 2022"
Combinatorial, Computational, and Applied Algebraic Geometry (CCAAGS-22)
University of Washington Seattle, WACCAAGS-22 aims to bring together researchers working in the creative mixture of combinatorial and computational ideas in applied algebraic geometry. As part of the event we will celebrate Bernd Sturmfels and his contributions to the field. Details of the conference will be posted at as they become available.
Recent Advances in Classical Algebraic Geometry ICM satellite conference
“Recent Advances in Classical Algebraic Geometry" ICM satellite conference, 28.06-02.07.2022 in Krakow. The invited speakers are: Olivier Benoist Jeremy Blanc Christian Boehning Ana-Maria Castravet Margherita Lelli-Chiesa Kento Fujita Joachim Jelisiejew Michael Kemeny Eric Larson Emanuele Macri Stefan Schreieder Yuji Odaka John Ottem Yuri Prokhorov Claudiu Raicu Giulia Sacca Susanna Zimmermann Jakub Witaszek Zsolt Patakfalvi Ziquan Zhuang … Continue reading "Recent Advances in Classical Algebraic Geometry ICM satellite conference"
Fourth W. Killing and K. Weierstrass Colloquium
The "Fourth W. Killing and K. Weierstrass Colloquium" will take place in Gdańsk (Poland) from the 18th to the 22nd of July 2022. List of confirmed speakers: Piotr Achinger (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland) Klaus Hulek (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany) Gustavo Jasso (Lunds Universitet, Sweden) Bernhard Keller (University of Paris, France) Friedrich Knop (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, … Continue reading "Fourth W. Killing and K. Weierstrass Colloquium"
Local Cohomology and related topics
The masterclass "Local cohomology and related topics” will be held in-person in Stockholm on August 1-5, 2022. The goal is to introduce graduate students to the current research in local cohomology. Two sets of lectures will be given by Josep Àlvarez Montaner (University Politècnica de Catalunya) and Wenliang Zhang (University of Illinois Chicago). The masterclass was originally planned for August 2020, … Continue reading "Local Cohomology and related topics"
EMS Summer School on Combinatorial Commutative Algebra
There will be an EMS (European Mathematical Society) summer school on Combinatorial Commutative Algebra at Gebze Technical University (in Turkey) on August 8-12, 2022. The summer school is part of a larger event acronymed SCALE (Symbolic Computation: Algorithms, Learning, and Engineering). The main goal of this summer school is to create an environment for participants, … Continue reading "EMS Summer School on Combinatorial Commutative Algebra"
Midwest Algebraic Geometry Graduate Conference 2022
After a 2-year interruption, algebraic geometry graduate students at UIC are planning to hold the 2022 Midwest Algebraic Geometry Graduate Conference (MAGGC) in person at the University of Illinois at Chicago on August 10-11. Can you please help us spread the word to interested graduate students by forwarding the link to the conference website. The registration deadline for full … Continue reading "Midwest Algebraic Geometry Graduate Conference 2022"
Workshop on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry (dedicated to Saro Strano)
The "Workshop on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry dedicated to Saro Strano" will be held from 7 to 9 September 2022 in Catania, Italy. Here is the list of speakers: 1) Alessio Caminata, Università di Genova 2) Aldo Conca, Università di Genova 3) Emanuela De Negri, Università di Genova 4) Elena Guardo, Università di Catania 5) … Continue reading "Workshop on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry (dedicated to Saro Strano)"
Route 81 Conference on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
The Annual Route 81 Conference on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry will be held at Queen’s University on Saturday, September 24, 2022. Anyone who wishes to apply to speak should send a title and abstract to Gregory G. Smith ( by Monday, 6 September 2019. For more information see the conference web page:
Triangulated categories and representation theory, Paderborn University
There will be a conference titled “Triangulated categories and representation theory” at Paderborn University, in honour of Henning Krause. Throughout his career Henning has made fundamental contributions to the representation theory of algebras, broadly interpreted, and particularly its connections with adjacent fields such as algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, algebraic topology, and modular representation theory. One … Continue reading "Triangulated categories and representation theory, Paderborn University"
Kumunu 2022
The 2022 edition of KUMUNU will be held at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, in Lincoln, Nebraska, on October 8-9, 2022. Confirmed speakers: Rankeya Datta, University of Missouri Brian Harbourne, University of Nebraska Craig Huneke, University of Virginia Justin Lacini, University of Kansas Claudia Miller, Syracuse University Luis Núñez-Betancourt, CIMAT More information can be found on … Continue reading "Kumunu 2022"
AMS Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting, 2022
There will be a special session at the AMS Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting, 2022. For more information, see the conference website. Special Session on Combinatorial Commutative Algebra Organizers: Michael Cowen, Clemson University Hugh Geller, Clemson University Todd Morra, Clemson University Keri Sather-Wagstaff, Clemson University