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International school on Tropical Geometry
May 23, 2022 - May 27, 2022
This is an EMS-European Mathematical Society summer school organized by the IMUVA-Mathematics Research Institute of the University of Valladolid (Spain) on May 23rd-27th, 2022 (it was originally organized for 2020 but it was postponed because of the Covid pandemic). The main objective is to offer to future and young researchers of distinct branches of mathematics a series of courses at doctorate level on a new field connected to many areas. There will be an introductory course with minimal prerequisites and three courses on recent applications in different areas. The four courses are aimed to be as self-contained as possible in order to make the school attractive to a wide and diverse audience.
The target audience is master’s students, PhD students and postdocs from all areas of mathematics. Senior researchers interested in learning on this new topic are also welcome. The school is based on four courses organized in an exercise-based format (1 hour of lecture + 40 minutes of exercises for each session). We will also give the opportunity to young researchers to present their own work either through a series of short communications or a poster session.
The speakers and topics of the four courses are:
– Introduction to tropical geometry.
Lecturer: Diane Maclagan (University of Warwick, UK)
– Introduction to tropical ideals.
Lecturer: Felipe Rincón (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
– Introduction to tropical curve counting.
Lecturer: Renzo Cavalieri (Colorado State University, USA)
– Tropical approach to singular points and its connections to Nagata’s conjecture and linear codes.
Lecturer: Nikita Kalinin Saint Petersburg University and National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE), Russia)
There will be grants covering accommodation for some of the young participants (master and PhD students, postdocs).
Important dates:
-Submission deadline and grant application: April 18th 2022.
-Notification of acceptance on contributions and grants: April 22nd 2022.
-Early registration until: April 29th 2022.
For more details please visit the School webpage: