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Free Resolutions and Representation Theory, ICERM
August 3, 2020 - August 7, 2020
There will be a workshop Aug 3-7, 2020 at ICERM on: Free Resolutions and Representation Theory.
The structure of free resolutions plays an important role in analyzing singularities of varieties of low codimension. Codimension 2 Cohen-Macaulay varieties (resp. codimension 3 Gorenstein varieties) come from rank conditions on an n x (n+1) matrix (resp. a skew-symmetric (2n+1) x (2n+1) matrix).
This workshop seeks to push such results to Cohen-Macaulay varieties of codimension 3 and Gorenstein varieties of codimension 4.
This problem turns out to be related to the classification of semi-simple Lie algebras. These new methods allow one to create a ‘map’ of free resolutions of a given format. The calculations that arise are very demanding and require new computational methods involving both commutative algebra and representation theory.
- Lars Christensen, Texas Tech University
- Claudia Miller, Syracuse University
- Steven Sam, University of California, San Diego
- Jerzy Weyman, University of Connecticut
ICERM welcomes applications from faculty, postdocs, graduate students, industry scientists, and other researchers who wish to participate. Some funding may be available for travel and lodging. Graduate students who apply must have their advisor submit a statement of support in order to be considered.
For more information, see the web site: