Jack Maney has posted some photos from the recent AMS meetings in Baton Rouge and Chapel Hill. Great shots!
Go see!
Category: News Postings
Yokohama 2001 photos
We just found these great photos from the Conference on Commutative Algebra in Japan, August 2001. You can read more about the conference here.
Don’t forget to let us know if you’ve got some photos of your own, or other news, to share.
Route 81 photos
Leslie Roberts has posted some photos from the Route 81 conference in Syracuse (see our entry) on his web page. Go see!
Don’t forget to let us know if you’ve got some photos of your own, or other news, to share.
Two from the French
A recent article in the Notices lists several new resources for mathematical literature on the web, some of which we’ve added to our links page. Check them out!
For example, NUMDAM (that is, the organization for NUMérisation de Documents Anciens Mathématiques) has placed the entire text of Publications Mathématiques de l’IHÉS (1959-1997) online. In particular, this means that EGA is completely accessible to the entire world in PDF format. The text is even fully searchable! Well done, NUMDAM!
In other French news, we’ve put some photos from Luminy on commalg.org. These were taken during the recent CIRM conference, and show commutative algebraists working and relaxing in one of the most beautiful spots on Earth. Go see!
Snowbird photos
We’ve posted some photographs from the Snowbird Joint Summer Research Conference. If you’d like to send us your own, or let us know where they are online, please do!
Meanwhile, enjoy the photos!
New York Times Article Features Photos of Commutative Algebraists
The New York Times has posted an article called “Pure Math, Pure Joy”, with a slide show that features photographs of some commutative algebraists. The photos are part of a larger set taken by Ed Alcock, who spent a month at MSRI this spring as journalist-in-residence, documenting (among other things) the year-long program in commutative algebra.
When you try to access the article, if you are not already registered with the New York Times, you will be prompted to register yourself (it’s free) or sign in. If you’d rather not register, use
login: commalg
Password: commalg
Check it out! (And make sure to view the slide show.)
Photos of MSRI's Special Year in Commutative Algebra
Photographer Ed Alcock spent a month at MSRI this spring as journalist-in-residence, documenting (among other things) the year-long program in commutative algebra.
Ed’s photos are posted on the MSRI site, along with the text of the article he wrote for The Guardian, Life. Lots of commutative algebraists are featured in the photos! Go see!
First anniversary of commalg.org
Looking back, we find that it’s been one year since our grand opening! Happy birthday to us! And thanks to all of you for your support over the past year.
We’re taking advantage of the occasion to ask for your support in a more concrete sense. At the bottom of the right-hand column, we’ve included a way for you to help us with a donation. All donations will be used to offset costs of maintaining commalg.org. Feel free to contact us with any questions, and thanks!
Vasconcelos Brazilian Acad. Sci.
Wolmer Vasconcelos has been elected (Full) Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, a long deserved honor. Congratulations, Volmer!
Streaming Video of MSRI Birat'l Workshop
MSRI has posted the streaming video and student lecture notes from the lectures given during the workshop, Commutative Algebra: Local and Birational Theory, December 2–6, 2002.