
The London Times of Monday April 11th announces the sad news that Professor Douglas Geoffrey Northcott FRS, who was Professor of Pure Mathematics at the University of Sheffield from 1952 until his retirement in 1982, and whose name is well known to many commutative algebraists, died on Friday April 8th, 2005, aged 88 years. Here is a link to the obituary in the Times. Thanks to Rodney Sharp for passing along this sad news.

Photos from Graz and Montreal

We’ve posted several photos from the recent International Symposium on Commutative Rings and Monoids that was held in Graz, Austria, back in October 2004. Thanks to Karl Kattchee for the great pictures. Go see!
Also, Adam Van Tuyl has posted a great number of photos that Leslie Roberts took at the recent Commutative Algebra Session at the Montreal meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Society. Thanks, Adam and Leslie! Go see!

Photos from Chicago and notes from Chicago

We’ve posted some photographs from the recent summer school on “Interactions between Homotopy Theory and Algebra” at the University of Chicago. As always, we’d be happy to post any additional photos, and grateful for any corrections or additions. Also, lecture notes from the summer school have been posted.
Update. Lecture notes from the mini-course on “Classical Problems in Commutative Algebra” at the University of Utah have been posted. Enjoy!

New list of commutative algebraists and photos from Trieste

It’s been an active month here at Hot on the heels of our recent retirement of the preprints section, we have redesigned our list of commutative algebraists. The new list is easily searchable and hopefully easier to use. We’ve also made some changes to make the list easier to maintain, and to help cut down on any spam that you might receive because of us. We hope you like it! Please feel free to contact us with any feedback about the new list, including corrections and updates.
We’ve also posted some photographs from the recent conference and summer school in Trieste, Italy. As always, we’d be happy to post any additional photos, and grateful for any corrections or additions. Go see!
update: Thanks to N.V. Trung and J. Herzog, here are many more photos of the Trieste conference. Thanks!
update again: Here are some more photos from L. Robbiano. Thanks, everyone!
update again again: We’ve added some more photos taken at the mini-course at the University of Utah. Thanks Florian!

Retirement of the preprints section and photos from Houston, West Lafayette, and Salt Lake City

Due to the success of the Commutative Algebra (AC) section of the arXiv preprint server, we have decided to retire the preprints section of commalg. We are no longer updating this section and will eliminate it altogether in the not-so-distant future. Check our FAQ for general information on the arXiv and, in particular, for easy instructions for subscribing to email announcements of new articles.
In other news, we have some photos from the joint meeting of the AMS and SMM in Houston, the recent conference at Purdue in honor of Joe Lipman, and the mini-course at the University of Utah. Go see!