Photos from Banff and Storrs, and a commalg baby

We are pleased to announce the birth of Conor Joseph Leuschke on June 26, 2007, 5:55pm. Measurements: 8 pounds, 2 ounces, and 21 1/2 inches long. Congratulations to Moira and Graham!
Sean has posted some pictures from the workshop on Commutative Algebra and its Interaction with Algebraic Geometry at BIRS. Go see!
Juan Migliore has also posted some pictures from this workshop. The pictures of the bears at Lake Louise are numbers 18-29. Enjoy!
Brian Harbourne has also posted some pictures from this workshop.
Also, the group picture from this workshop can be found here.
Also, Marco Fontana has posted some pictures from the Abelian Groups and Modules over Commutative Rings Conference at the University of Connecticut. Go see!

Serre on How to Write Mathematics Badly

We highly recommend this video of Jean-Pierre Serre, speaking on “How to Write Mathematics Badly”. The talk is apparently from the Harvard “Basic Notions” seminar in 2003, and is both educational and hilarious.
We recently learned of the existence of a wiki for academic positions in mathematics. It contains information about the status of faculty searches at various institutions posted anonymously by folks on the job market.
Speaking of jobs, we’ve learned from John Greenlees (email: of a postdoctoral position to work on the project `Orientability and complete intersections for ring spectra’. The position starts Summer 2007 and has not been posted on the EIMS site. More information can be found at John Greenlees’ website or at one of the following job sites: or The closing date is 04 April.

Workshop honoring Eisenbud at MSRI in April

We’ve updated our announcement for the MSRI Workshop on Advances in Algebra and Geometry in April, to point out that the Workshop coincides with David Eisenbud’s sixtieth birthday and his imminent retirement as Director of MSRI. Thus one goal of the Workshop will be to honor David’s many and varied lifetime contributions to the vitality of the mathematical sciences.
Also, Holger Brenner has alerted us to a petition for guaranteed public access to publicly-funded research results that has (as of 04 Feb) almost 17,000 signatures.

New Journal: Algebra & Number Theory

We received the following from David Eisenbud:

Dear Algebraists,
We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new journal: Algebra & Number Theory
The purpose of the journal is to provide an alternative to the current range of commercial specialty journals in these fields – an alternative of higher quality and much lower cost.
The policies of Algebra & Number Theory are set by the editorial board, a group of working mathematicians, rather than by a profit-oriented company, so they will remain friendly to mathematicians’ interests. In particular, they will promote broad dissemination, easy electronic access, and permissive use of content to the greatest extent compatible with survival of the journal. The journal is published by Mathematical Sciences Publishers, using the efficient model that has proved successful for its other journals, such as Geometry & Topology.
Please encourage your library to subscribe! And submit your high-quality original articles to us!
For more information, see

David Eisenbud, chair of the editorial board
Bjorn Poonen, managing editor
(on behalf of the editorial board)

KRAW photos and new algebra journal

Sean Sather-Wagstaff has posted some photos from the recent Kent Regional Algebra Weekend. Thanks, Sean!
We learned from Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz of the existence of a new journal of interest to commutative algebraists: Algebra & Number Theory. According to the web page, “Algebra & Number Theory publishes high-quality original research articles in algebra and number theory, interpreted broadly, for example including algebraic and arithmetic geometry. […] The policies of Algebra & Number Theory are set by the editorial board – a group of working mathematicians – rather than by a profit-oriented company, so they will remain friendly to mathematicians’ interests.” We at applaud this effort!

Position at University of Copenhagen and photos from Luminy

Some colleagues have asked us to post an announcement for the following position:
Professorship in Algebra at the University of Copenhagen. Full information may be found at Note in particular that the deadline for applications is 1 August 2006 at 12:00 AM.
In other news, we’ve posted some photos from the recent conference on Commutative Algebra and its interactions with Algebraic Geometry at the CIRM in Luminy, France. Go see!