China-Japan-Korea International Symposium IV

The Fourth China-Japan-Korea International Symposium on Ring Theory was originally planned to take place from June 24 to June 28, 2003, in Southeast University, Nanjing, China. This conference was put off for one year because of SARS problems. Now it will take place on June 24 -28, 2004 in Nanjing, China.
More information, including registration instructions, deadlines, and organizers’ contact information, can be found on the conference website.

Siena, Italy

First Announcement
A Conference in Algebraic Geometry
Projective Varieties with Unexpected Properties, a conference in honour of the 150th anniversary of the birth of G. Veronese.
The conference will be held in Siena, Italy, June 8-12, 2004.
The aim of the conference is to give a description of the current “state of the art” in the study of varieties whose embedding has some ‘non-standard’ feature: e.g. ‘small’ k-secant variety, degenerate Gauss maps, varieties with many degenerate subvarieties, etc.
Also the aim is to present connections with many non-geometric sounding problems (e.g. in inverse systems, rank of tensors, polynomial interpolation, algebraic statistics, algebraic complexity theory, ..) with applications to other fields of Mathematics.
Organizing Committee: Luca Chiantini, Anthony Geramita, Cristiano Bocci.
Scientific Committee: Ciro Ciliberto (Chair), Brian Harbourne, Antonio Lanteri, Rosa Maria Miró-Roig, Kristian Ranestad.
Anyone who would like to participate with a contribution is invited to contact some member of the Scientific Committee with their proposal. All proposals will be considered by the full Scientific Committee.
More information on the schedule and about accommodations is available on the conference website and on the web pages of the members of the Organizing Committee (Chiantini, Geramita, Bocci).

Salt Lake City 04

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Utah will host a two week mini-course, titled “Classical Problems in Commutative Algebra”, on homological conjectures in commutative algebra, June 7-18 2004.
During the past 30 years, the homological conjectures and related questions have had a significant impact on the development of commutative algebra. These problems originated in the work of Serre, Auslander, Peskine, Szpiro, and others. In 1974, Mel Hochster gave an overview of these problems in a series of lectures providing answers to some of the questions and indicating further directions of research. Since then, important contributions were made by various experts and some of these conjectures have been solved. However, some of them still await answers. This area of research remains a rich one and is as influential today in the development of commutative algebra as it was decades ago.
The mini-course plans to introduce graduate students with some background in commutative algebra and young researchers to this area of research. The lectures will provide an introduction to the subject, an overview of the main contributions of the past decades, as well as a discussion of the remaining open questions. The first week will develop the fundamental concepts needed in the second week when the major directions of research will be discussed.
The program is designed for graduate students who have studied commutative algebra at the graduate level. Limited funding is available for a small number of students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents through the VIGRE grant of the Department of Mathematics. Students and junior researchers with other means of support are also encouraged to apply. There is no registration fee and on-campus housing is available.
Speakers include Florian Enescu, Claudia Miller, Sean Sather-Wagstaff, Sandra Spiroff, Sankar Dutta, Ray Heitmann, Mel Hochster, and Paul Roberts.
For more information, see the minicourse webpage, where there is also a printable version of this announcement.

Chisinau, Moldova

The NATO Science Programme will organize a Workshop in Computational Commutative and Non-Commutative Algebraic Geometry, from 6 June to 11 June 2004, in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
The Workshop is organized by Gerhard Pfister and Svetlana Cojocaru, and a list of speakers is available. Lodging and meals will be at the Hotel “CODRU” in Chisinau.
More information, including travel hints, is on the Workshop web site.

Cortona, Italy

There will be a conference on “Commutative Rings and Their Modules” at Incontro INdAM, Cortona, Italy, May 30 – June 5, 2004.
The aim is to bring together researchers in the areas of commutative ring theory and module theory. The main emphasis of the workshop is on almost perfect rings and their modules; tilting torsion theories, tilting and cotilting modules on commutative rings; integer valued polynomials; multiplicative ideal and module systems, star and semistar operations, Gabriel-Popescu localizing systems; Krull and Mori domains; chain conditions and prime spectrum; Pruefer domains and their generalizations; factorization and divisibility properties, decomposition of ideals, class groups. Young researchers approaching these areas are welcome.
Marco Fontana (Universita’ degli Studi Roma Tre)
Laszlo Fuchs (Tulane University, New Orleans)
Stefania Gabelli (Universita’ degli Studi Roma Tre)
Evan G. Houston (University of North-Carolina, Charlotte)
Luigi Salce (Universita’ degli Studi di Padova)
Paolo Zanardo (Universita’ degli Studi di Padova)
Florida Girolami (Universita’ degli Studi Roma Tre)
Giampaolo Picozza (Universita’ degli Studi Roma Tre)
Francesca Tartarone (Universita’ degli Studi Roma Tre)
For more information, see the conference web site or email

International Algebraic Conference, Moscow

Moscow State University was founded on January 25, 1755. The Department of Algebra in Moscow University was founded in 1929 by Prof. Otto Yu. Schmidt. In connection with these events, the Department of Algebra of Moscow State University is organizing an International algebraic conference.
The conference will be held on the dates of May 26 – June 2, 2004, in the main building of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
The topics of the conference are as follows:
1. Rings and modules, homological algebra, K-theory; 2. Quantum groups and Hopf algebras; 3. Group theory; 4. Computer algebra; 5. Invariants and algebraic transformation groups; 6. Algebraic geometry; 7. Commutative algebra and algebraic number theory; 8. Linear algebra; 9. General algebraic systems.
For more information, including registration details, deadlines, local particulars, and members of the organizing committees, see the conference website.

Lafayette, Indiana (in honor of J. Lipman)

On the occasion of his sixt-fifth birthday and in celebration of his contributions to both commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, there will be a Midwest Commutative Algebra and Geometry Conference in honor of Joseph Lipman at Purdue University, May 17-21, 2004.
The conference is organized around Lipman’s research interests, including resolution of singularities, singularity theory, Rees algebras and Briancon-Skoda theorems, duality theory and homological algebra. The organizers are William Heinzer, Craig Huneke, and Bernd Ulrich. More information, including a list of prospective speakers, is on the conference web page.

Joint AMS-SMM, Houston TX

The Joint AMS-SMM International Meeting in Houston, TX will run May 13-15, 2004. There will be several events of interest to Commutative Algebraists.

  • Pedro Luis Del Angel will organize a Special Session on Algebraic Geometry.
  • Srikanth Iyengar and Graham Leuschke will organize a Special Session on the Homological Algebra of Commutative Rings
  • Rita Zuazua and Gordana G. Todorov will organize a Special Session on Representations of Algebras
  • Bernd Sturmfels will give the Erdös Memorial Lecture
  • Luchezar Avramov will give a plenary address on “Homomorphisms of commutative rings”

Whew! That should be a great conference. For more information, see the AMS page for the meeting.