The sixh annual KUMUNU meeting at the University of Kansas will be held on October 30th, 2004. The speakers are:

  • Sean Sather-Wagstaff (U. Nebraska),
  • Mrinal Das (U. Kansas),
  • Liana Sega (Michigan State U.),
  • Greg Piepmeyer (U. Nebraska),
  • Qi Zhang (U. Missouri), and
  • Chris Francisco (U. Missouri).

More information, including links to maps, housing information, etc., is available on the KUMUNU web page.

Nashville, AMS 999

The 999th Sectional Meeting of the AMS will take place in Nashville, TN, October 16-17, 2004. There will be two Special Sessions related to Commutative Algebra:
Juan Migliore and Uwe Nagel will organize a session on Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra, and
Florian Enescu and Adela Vraciu will organize a session on Local and Homological Algebra.
Please see the AMS page for the meeting for more information.

Route 81 2004

This year’s Route 81 Conference on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry will be at Cornell University, on the weekend of October 2-3, 2004.
This year the route 81 conference is in honor of Graham Evans’ retirement. Many of Graham’s co-authors, friends, and students are planning on attending.
There will be talks on Saturday, October 2, and Sunday morning, October 3, and a social hike/walk on Sunday afternoon, for people who can stay until Monday.
For more information, including information on lodging (update: also a schedule and list of speakers), see the conference web page. Also see the Workshop on Resolutions (for young researchers).

Workshop on Resolutions for young researchers

There will be a Workshop on Resolutions for young researchers at Cornell University, September 30 — October 4, 2004. The workshop is in conjunction with the Route 81 2004 conference. Please see the workshop web page for more information (update: the web page now includes a schedule and list of speakers, in addition to lodging information and directions).

International Symposium on Commutative Rings and Monoids (in honor of F. Halter-Koch)

From September 29th to October 1st, 2004, the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Graz, in Austria, will host an International Symposium on Commutative Rings and Monoids, in honor of Professor Franz Halter-Koch.
Topics for the Symposium include

  • multiplicative ideal theory
  • non-unique factorizations
  • direct sum decomposition of modules
  • integer-valued polynomials
  • Prüfer rings and their generalizations

Main lectures will be given by

  • Daniel D. Anderson (University of Iowa)
  • Marco Fontana (Universitá degli Studi Roma Tre)
  • Roger Wiegand (University of Nebraska, Lincoln)

Moreover, there will be about thirty invited talks.
See the Symposium website for more information.
update: there are photos!

Banff 2004

There will be a 5-day workshop on “Commutative Algebra: Homological and Birational Theory” at the Banff International Research Station, September 11-16, 2004.
The workshop will be organized by Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz (Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Toronto), Paul Roberts (University of Utah), and Bernd Ulrich (Purdue University).
You can read more about the focus of the workshop at the BIRS web page for the conference.
update (21 Sept 04): We’ve posted some photos from the workshop, from the official BIRS photographer, Marc Chardin, Graham Leuschke, and Joe Lipman.

MSRI Semester on Hyperplane Arrangements

MSRI will hold a semester-long program in Hyperplane Arrangements and Applications, August 16, 2004 to December 17, 2004.
The program will focus on several inter-related aspects of current research in the field:

  • Topology of the complement – characteristic and resonance varieties, fundamental groups, higher homotopy groups, cohomology of local systems.
  • Commutative and skew-commutative algebra — modules of derivations, resolutions, Orlik-Solomon algebras, Koszul duality and lower central series formulas.
  • Applications — generalized hypergeometric functions, Gauss-Manin connections, KZ equations, quantization, elliptic and $q$KZ equations, discriminants, flat connections and braid group representations, Artin groups, moduli spaces and Grassmann strata, subspace arrangements, wonderful models.
  • Combinatorial methods — lattice homology, group representations, combinatorial models, isotopy and homotopy type, random walks.

The MSRI page for the program has more information, as well as several pretty pictures.

Summer school at U Chicago

There will be a two-week summer school on “Interactions between Homotopy Theory and Algebra” at the University of Chicago, July 26 through August 6, 2004.
The summer school will explore connections between homotopy theory, commutative algebra and representation theory with the goal of enhancing research interactions and applications among these fields.
Introductory lecture series in the first week:

  • Paul Goerss: Simplicial methods and model categories
  • Craig Huneke: Local cohomology
  • Henning Krause: Differential graded methods and derived categories

In the second week there will be expository lectures on related research topics. Speakers confirmed so far:

  • Alejandro Adem: Group cohomology
  • Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz: What Arrows can Commutative Algebra pull from Quivers?
  • John Greenlees: First steps in brave new commutative algebra
  • Kathryn Hess: Rational homotopy theory
  • Mark Hovey: TBA
  • Srikanth Iyengar: Andre-Quillen homology

Both weeks will be aimed at graduate students and beginning researchers who have some background in either homotopy theory, commutative algebra or representation theory and who would like to learn about the interactions between these fields. A list of prerequisites is on the web page; a majority of these topics are covered in standard courses on homology and commutative algebra. Some of these topics are slightly more advanced though, and students will probably find it beneficial to brush up on some of these topics.
Organizers: Lucho Avramov, Dan Christensen, Bill Dwyer and Brooke Shipley
As more information becomes available it will be posted on the web site for the summer school.