Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA) in Montréal

From Michel Beaudin:

The 25th Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA) will be held in Montréal, Canada: .
This event will take place from Tuesday July 16th to Saturday July 20th, 2019 at the École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS).
The ACA conference series is devoted to promoting computer algebra applications as well as foster interaction and exchange among developers of computer algebra systems with researchers and users. The latter are mostly scientists, engineers, educators and mathematicians. The topics covered during the conference include, but are not limited to, the use of computer algebra in sciences, engineering, communication, medicine, pure and applied mathematics, education, business and computer science.
The special session ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY FROM AN ALGORITHMIC POINT OF VIEW (organizers: Cristina Bertone and Francesca Cioffi) will surely interest the commutative algebra community

Summer School on Randomness and Learning in Non-Linear Algebra

There will be a Summer School on Randomness and Learning in Non-Linear Algebra July 01 – 05, 2019 at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences. This summer school aims at bringing together researchers working on probabilistic and statistical methods and questions in nonlinear algebra. Keynote speakers will be:

  • Peter Bürgisser (Technische Universität Berlin)
  • Daniel Erman (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
  • Antonio Lerario (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati)

There will also be a number of invited guest speakers and a poster session for interested young participants.
Scientific Organizers:

  • Paul Breiding, MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences
  • Jesus De Loera, University of California at Davis
  • Sonja Petrovic, Illinois Institute of Technology
  • Despina Stasi, Illinois Institute of Technology

Poster submissions and registration are now open (as of 11 Febrary 2019). Travel funding applications are being accepted until 1 April 2019.
Registration, funding, and poster session information:
Students, postdocs, and other early career researchers are strongly encouraged to submit a poster to present at the poster session.
Travel funding is available to participants if they agree to present their work in the form of a poster. Applicants from the US are not required, but are nevertheless strongly encouraged, to submit a poster. All interested participants may apply for funding during the registration process and will receive further instructions in their confirmation email.
*** Funding decisions will be made by April 15th, 2019. ***
Logistical information:
For information about travel to the institute, please check the “Travel instructions” link from the school homepage.
US-based participants who anticipate that they may receive a travel allowance from our NSF grant will need to comply with the agency’s travel guidelines (see below).
Information about hotel suggestions will be sent out shortly; there are no restrictions or special rates on hotel bookings.
NSF guidelines for air travel:
Participants may note that, depending on their origin/destination city pair, they don’t necessarily have to use a US-flag carrier to fly to the school. To see if this is the case, please check the city-pair requirement of the Open-Skies agreement (there are links on the site above).

Recent developments in CA, Trento, Italy

The workshop “Recent developments in Commutative Algebra” will be held July 1–5, 2019, in Trento, Italy,
The workshop will feature courses by

  • Linquan Ma (Purdue University)
  • Claudia Polini (University of Notre Dame)
  • Claudiu Raicu (University of Notre Dame)
  • Matteo Varbaro (Università di Genova)
  • Mark Walker (University of Nebraska)

Further information will be posted on the workshop website.

p-Adic Analysis, Arithmetic and Singularities in Santander

From Julio-José Moyano Fernández:

XX School of Mathematics Lluís Santaló 2019: p-Adic Analysis, Arithmetic and Singularities

This summer school that will take place at the Peninsula de la Magdalena (Riancho) in Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo (UIMP), Santander, Spain, on June, 24th-28th 2019.
The school aims to provide an introduction to a very dynamic area of research that lies at the intersection of number theory, p-adic analysis, algebraic geometry and singularity theory. The backbone of the meeting consists of four introductory mini-courses:
1. Introduction to motivic Poincaré series (Sabir M. Gusein-Zade, Russia)
2. Introduction to the singularities of plane curves (Francisco J. Monserrat, Spain)
3. Introduction to local zeta functions (Willem Veys, Belgium)
4. Introduction to p-adic analysis (W. A. Zúñiga-Galindo, Mexico)
To register and/or find more information, please visit our website
The UIMP is offering some complete grants (and also some partial grants) for students at the School.
Best wishes,
The organisers
Carlos Galindo Pastor,
Alejando Melle Hernandez,
Julio-José Moyano Fernández,
Wilson A. Zúñiga Galindo

Vietnam-USA Joint Mathematical Meeting

Le Tuan Hoa ( and Tai Ha ( will be organizing a special session entitled “Commutative Algebra and Its Interactions to Combinatorics” at the Vietnam-USA Joint Mathematical Meeting (supported by the Vietnam Math Society and the American Math Society), during June 10 – 13, 2019. The local host will provide local accommodation for speakers. The meeting’s website is at
If you are interested in giving a talk in our session then please email either L.T. Hoa ( or T. Ha ( by March 31, 2019.

Ideals, Varieties, Applications (Celebrating the Influence of David Cox), Amherst

The organizers write: please join us in Amherst, June 10-14, 2019 for
Ideals, Varieties, Applications
This is a conference to honor David Cox and his influence in several areas of Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, on occasion of his forthcoming retirement in the summer of 2019.
The theory and computation of Gröbner bases has grown to become an indispensable component of research in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. Gröbner bases are used to develop intuition with explicit examples, to test conjectures, and in some cases to help create proofs. Gröbner techniques continue to make inroads in a range of applications, e.g. in computer vision , statistics and systems biology. Gröbner bases are available in excellent free software packages, such as Macaulay 2, COCOA, Singular, and Sage, as well as in commercial algebra systems, such as Magma and Maple.
This conference will bring together graduate students and researchers at all levels to survey the state of the art in computational and combinatorial algebraic geometry. A special emphasis will be placed on illustrating how computation of Gröbner bases drives both theory and applications. In particular, speakers will cover advances in algorithms, toric varieties, Cox rings, syzygies, tropical algebraic geometry, geometric modeling, and applications to computer-aided-design (CAD).

  • Laurent Busé
  • Ana-Maria Castravet
  • Melody Chan
  • Falai Chen
  • Patrick Clarke
  • Carlos D’Andrea
  • Sandra di Rocco
  • Brendan Hassett
  • Milena Hering
  • Tony Iarrobino
  • Xiaohong Jia
  • Sheldon Katz
  • Sione Ma’u
  • Sam Payne*
  • Tom Sederberg
  • Greg Smith
  • Ivan Soprunov
  • Evgenia Soprunova
  • Frank Sottile
  • Haohao Wang
  • Josephine Yu

*Not yet confirmed.
Registration information is available at
Hope to see you in Amherst in June!

Interactions between Representation Theory, Algebraic Topology and Commutative Algebra; Barcelona

The CRM’s forthcoming programme ”Follow-Up of the Research Programme: INTERACTIONS BETWEEN REPRESENTATION THEORY, ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY AND COMMUTATIVE ALGEBRA (IRTATCA)” (http:/ is scheduled from June 3rd to 15th, 2019 – Barcelona, Spain.
The CRM and IMUB are pleased to announce the follow-up programme for the “IRTATCA: Interactions between Representation Theory, Algebraic Topology and Commutative Algebra” intensive research programme that was held in 2015 at the CRM. The programme and its follow-up are devoted to promote interactions between researchers from different areas that share a common interest in homological techniques in a broad sense. The original programme gathered around 200 researchers from all over the world, and it is now time to have a look at some of the progress that took place since then.
These two weeks will be structured around one Advanced Course between the 3rd and 7th of June 2019, that will take place at the IMUB and a Conference between the 11th and the 15th of June 2019 that will take place at the CRM.​
The programme is open to all researchers interested in homological algebra and its applications in areas like commutative algebra, representation theory and algebraic topology. This includes but is not restricted to: the study of triangulated categories derived algebraic geometry, homotopy theory, singularity theory, representation theory, etc.
During the Research Programme the following activities will be held:

  • Advanced Course:
    Crossing Cohomological bridges
    (triangulated categories, singularity theory and 2-Segal spaces)
    (IMUB), June 3rd to 7th, 2019
    Early bird registration fee: 120€ (until April 22nd, 2019)
    Regular registration fee: 150€
    Deadline for registration: May 12th, 2019
    Registration includes: Documentation package, coffee breaks, and a social dinner.
  • Conference:
    IRTATCA follow-up
    (CRM), June 11th to 15th, 2019
    Early bird registration fee: 150€ (until April 22nd, 2019)
    Regular registration fee: 200€
    Deadline for registration: May 12th, 2019
    Registration includes: Documentation package, coffee breaks, and a social dinner.

Please, feel free to distribute this information among your colleagues. We hope you find this information useful and look forward to hosting you at the CRM.
​Organizers: ​

  • Carles Casacuberta (​Universitat de Barcelona)
  • Dolors Herbera (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
  • ​Wolfgang Pitsch (​Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
  • ​Santiago Zarzuela (​Universitat de Barcelona)

Scientific Committee:

  • John Greenlees (University of Sheffield)
  • ​Srikanth B. Iyengar (​University of Nebraska)
  • ​Henning Krause (Universität Bielefeld)