Regina, SK: Workshop

A Workshop on Algebra and Geometry will be held at the University of Regina May 29-June 1, 2012. It will consist of three courses:

  • Differential Graded Commutative Algebra,
  • Secant Varieties, and
  • Fat Points and Symbolic Powers.

Each course will have daily lectures and problem sessions. This workshop is being held in conjunction with the CMS Summer Meeting June 2-4, 2012 at the University of Regina.
Organizing Committee:

  • Susan Cooper, Central Michigan University
  • Sean Sather-Wagstaff, North Dakota State University
  • Donald Stanley, University of Regina

Lawrence: AMS

The Spring Central Section Meeting of the AMS will be held at the University of Kansas, March 30 – April 1, 2012 (Friday – Sunday). This meeting will include at least three special sessions of interest to the commalg community:

update 29 Dec 2011: There is now a local website for the meeting at It contains a lot of useful information, for example links to web pages for the individual sessions and things like hotels and restaurants.

UAE: Commutative Algebra

A special session on Commutative Algebra and Modules will be organized for the coming Fourth International Conference on Mathematical Sciences (ICM-2012), March 11-14, 2012, at the United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, UAE (one hour away by car from Dubai).

For more information see the link

The conference is sponsored by the AMS. Organizers of this special session are A. Badawi (American University, Sharjah, UAE) and M. Fontana (Universitá “Roma Tre”).

Lincoln, NE: AMS

The Fall Central Section Meeting of the AMS will be held at the University of Nebrask-Lincoln, October 14-16, 2011 (Friday – Sunday). This meeting will include at least three special sessions of interest to the commalg community:

update: The AMS is offering travel grants for this meeting. See this post for more information.
update 2011-10-20/28: Brian Harbourne from UNL is hosting group photos and PDFs of slides from the sessions. Go see! In particular, here are photo 1 and photo 2. is also hosting some of the material from the special Appreciation Event for Roger and Sylvia Wiegand, titled “The Wiegands’ Algebra Family”: