New York Times Article Features Photos of Commutative Algebraists

The New York Times has posted an article called “Pure Math, Pure Joy”, with a slide show that features photographs of some commutative algebraists. The photos are part of a larger set taken by Ed Alcock, who spent a month at MSRI this spring as journalist-in-residence, documenting (among other things) the year-long program in commutative algebra.
When you try to access the article, if you are not already registered with the New York Times, you will be prompted to register yourself (it’s free) or sign in. If you’d rather not register, use

login: commalg
Password: commalg

Check it out! (And make sure to view the slide show.)

Goettingen, Germany

Invariant Theory and its Interactions with Related Fields
March 23-29, 2003, Goettingen, Germany
INGO2003 is an initiative of research groups in Aberdeen, Manchester, and
Goettingen working in the areas of algebraic topology, representation theory,
and commutative algebra, who have found that communication across narrow
specialty boundaries can bring huge scientific benefits. The conference is
organized around the central theme of invariant theory and will emphasize its
interactions with other areas of mathematics. It is particularly addressed to
young (European) mathematicians from diverse research areas who wish to
exchange ideas, and learn new techniques that may point the way for their
future work.
The conference is supported by the DFG (German Research Foundation).
More information concerning the programme, financial support etc. will
soon be availabe on the conference web site at
For the Local Organizers:
Dagmar M. Meyer
Larry Smith

MSRI: Local/Birational Theory

The second workshop of the year-long Program in Commutative Algebra at MSRI will focus on the Local and Birational Theories. It will be held December 2-6.
The workshop is organized by: Craig Huneke (chair), Paul Roberts, Karen Smith, and Bernd Ulrich.
It will concentrate on several aspects of commutative algebra including birational algebra, tight closure and characteristic p methods, Rees algebra and their applications, intersection theory, multiplicities and mixed characteristic.
See the workshop page at the MSRI site for more information.
Update (06 Jan 2003): Streaming video and student lecture notes are now available for these lectures.

Comm. Alg. Section of the Arxiv!

Big news! There is now a Commutative Algebra section of the preprint server. No longer will we have to use the RA (Rings and Algebras) or AG (Algebraic Geometry) sections. The new code is AC (standing for Algèbre Commutative, or just keeping in mind that AC=CA). We will be updating our FAQ to reflect the change shortly, as well as adding information on how to subscribe to new announcements.