GSU-USC Commutative Algebra Seminar April 2007

Georgia State University and the University of South Carolina will be organizing a joint Seminar in Commutative Algebra on April 14, 2007 in Columbia, SC. This is the sequel to the meeting that took place in Atlanta in March.
The seminar represents a collaborative effort of commutative algebraists at the two universities to increase exposure of their research area in the South-East through periodic meetings. Everyone interested is welcome to attend.
The seminar will meet on Saturday April 14, 2007 (10am-5pm).
Invited Speakers:

  • Shemsi Alhaddad, University of South Carolina, Lancaster
  • Alina Iacob, University of North Carolina, Wilmington
  • Florian Enescu, Georgia State University
  • Yongwei Yao, Georgia State University
  • Hamid Rahmati, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Organizers: Andy Kustin (email: and Adela Vraciu(email:
For more information please see the web page of the seminar:

Commutative Algebra and Related Topics, Constanta, Romania

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science from Ovidius University, Constanta, in cooperation with the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy (Bucharest), the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science from Bucharest University and the Romanian Mathematical Society will organize a mini-conference on Commutative Algebra and Related Topics, March 29-31, 2007, in Constanta, Romania, honoring the 60th birthday of Professor Dorin Popescu.
For more information please see the conference web page.

New Journal: Algebra & Number Theory

We received the following from David Eisenbud:

Dear Algebraists,
We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new journal: Algebra & Number Theory
The purpose of the journal is to provide an alternative to the current range of commercial specialty journals in these fields – an alternative of higher quality and much lower cost.
The policies of Algebra & Number Theory are set by the editorial board, a group of working mathematicians, rather than by a profit-oriented company, so they will remain friendly to mathematicians’ interests. In particular, they will promote broad dissemination, easy electronic access, and permissive use of content to the greatest extent compatible with survival of the journal. The journal is published by Mathematical Sciences Publishers, using the efficient model that has proved successful for its other journals, such as Geometry & Topology.
Please encourage your library to subscribe! And submit your high-quality original articles to us!
For more information, see

David Eisenbud, chair of the editorial board
Bjorn Poonen, managing editor
(on behalf of the editorial board)

CRM January 2007

F. Bergeron (UQAM), K. Dalili (Dalhousie), S. Faridi (Dalhousie) and A. Lauve (UQAM) are organizing a mini-workshop Algebraic Combinatorics meets Inverse Systems to be held at the Centre de Recherches Mathématiques (CRM) January 19-21, 2007. This workshop is part of the CRM special semester: Recent Advances in Combinatorics, (January–June 2007). If you would like to attend or give a talk, please contact one of the organizers.

New Orleans 2007

Several AMS Special Sessions are being organized at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, New Orleans, LA, January 5-8, 2007, including the following.
Paul C. Roberts, Anurag K. Singh, and Oana Veliche are organizing a Special Session on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry.
Mara D. Neusel and Frank D. Grosshans are organizing a Special Session on Invariant Theory.
A complete list of the AMS Special Sessions for this meeting can be found here.

AIM Integral Closure, Multiplier Ideals and Cores

Integral Closure, Multiplier Ideals and Cores
December 17 to December 21, 2006
AIM Research Conference Center, Palo Alto, CA
Alberto Corso, Claudia Polini, and Bernd Ulrich
Workshop topics:
This workshop, sponsored by AIM and the NSF, will be devoted to questions related to the notion of integral closure of ideals. Specific aspects of the workshop focus are: computation of the integral closure and its complexity; multiplicities and equisingularity theory; cores of ideals and Briancon-Skoda type theorems; multiplier ideals and test ideals; and multiplier ideals and jet schemes.
Application deadline:
September 1, 2006
For more information:

Purdue 2006

UIC-Purdue Workshop on Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra This meeting will take place at Purdue University on December 2nd and 3rd.
Confirmed speakers are:

  • – Sankar Dutta, U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • – Anatoly Libgober, U. of Illinois at Chicago
  • – Gennady Lyubeznik, U. of Minnesota
  • – Andrei Mustata, U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • – Mihnea Popa, U. of Chicago
  • – Jaroslaw Wlodarczyk, Purdue U.

For more information please contact Lawrence Ein or Bernd Ulrich, or see the conference web page.

Kent 2006

The first annual Kent Regional Algebra Weekend will be held November 18-19, 2006 on the Kent campus of Kent State University. The meeting will consist of approximately eight 50-minute colloquium-style lectures given by researchers from Ohio and neighboring states. The speakers will represent many sub-disciplines of algebra and we expect that the talks will appeal to a broad spectrum of algebraists. The meeting is being organized by Misha Chebotar, Steve Gagola, Mark Lewis, Sean Sather-Wagstaff, and Don White. Further information about the meeting can be found at the conference website.

Paderborn 2006

R.-O. Buchweitz (Toronto), D. Happel (Chemnitz), H. Krause (Paderborn), D. Kussin (Paderborn), I. Reiten (Trondheim) are organizing a conference Representations of Algebras and their Geometry in honor of Helmut Lenzing, November 10-11, 2006 at Universität Paderborn.

  • R.-O. Buchweitz (Toronto)
  • W.W. Crawley-Boevey (Leeds)
  • J.A. de la Pena (Mexico)
  • L. Hille (Hamburg)
  • M. Prest (Manchester)
  • I. Reiten (Trondheim)
  • O. Schiffmann (Paris)
  • A. Skowronski (Torun)
  • M. van den Bergh (Hasselt)

In addition, a special colloquium will be given on November 10 by C. M. Ringel (Bielefeld).
For more information, consult the conference website.