van der Waerden Centenary (Zurich)

The B. L. van der Waerden Centenary Colloquium will be held January 31, 2003, at the University of Zurich. The organizer is H. Jarchow. Speakers include:

  • Pierre Cartier (Paris): B.L. van der Waerden and the development of quantum mechanics
  • John Coates (Cambridge): Number theory and noncommutative algebra
  • David Eisenbud (Berkeley): Chow Forms Old and New: Leibniz, Cayley, van der Waerden and Chow, Grothendieck and beyond
  • Robin Hartshorne (Berkeley): On the impossibility of the classical construction problems
  • Christoph Soulé (Paris): Successive minima on arithmetic surfaces

For more information, see the conference web page or contact: University of Zurich, Institute of Mathematics, Mrs. Pia Bossard, Winterthurerstr. 190, CH-8057 Zurich, Email:, Tel.: +41 01 635 58 61, Fax: +41 01 635 57 06.


A 3 week long Winter School on Arithmetic and Computational Algebraic Geometry will be held at Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI), Allahabad, from Dec 23, 2002 to Jan 6, 2003. The lectures on arithmetic aspects will lead to a solution of Riemann Hypothesis for elliptic curves. The lectures will be delivered by several active researchers in Number Theory and Commutative Algebra. The computational aspects will be covered by Prof. W. Decker of University of Saarland, Germany. The school is aimed at graduate students.
Please visit the school’s webpage for more information, or contact Ravi Rao.

Red Raider Mini-Symposium, Lubbock TX

The Contemporary Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Red Raider Mini-Symposium will be held at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, November 21-23, 2002.
The Mini-Symposium will feature distinguished lectures by Robert Griess, William Fulton, James Lepowsky, Gregory Margulis and Efim Zelmanov with a counterpart of lectures by outstanding early career mathematicians including Frauke Bleher, Ezra Miller, Mircea Mustata, Claudia Polini, Hal Schenck and Lucia Di Vizio. An excursion to Palo Duro Canyon State Park will take place on Saturday, November 23.
Travel support is available for a limited number of participants. Graduate students, recent PhD’s, women and underrepresented minorities are especially encouraged to apply for travel support.
The Mini-Symposium is sponsored by the Paul Whitfield Horn Professor Endowment at Texas Tech University, the National Science Foundation and the National Security Agency.
For more information and to register visit or contact Lourdes Juan at

Route 81

The annual Route 81 Conference on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry will take place at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, on Saturday, October 26, 2002.
There is a web site for the conference here, with information on the schedule, directions, accomodations, and social events.
As has been the tradition, there will be a limited number of talks. Graduate students and young faculty are specially encouraged to present their work. If you plan on attending and/or are interested in giving a talk, please contact the organizers, Anthony Geramita and Susan Cooper, immediately.


The Fifth Bay Area Discrete Math Day will take place at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, on Saturday October 12, 2002 between 10:00 and 6:00.
Bay Area Discrete Math Days are one-day meetings aimed at facilitating communication between researchers and graduate students of discrete mathematics around the San Francisco Bay Area. These days happen semi-annually and strive to create a fairly informal atmosphere to talk about discrete mathematics. The term “discrete mathematics” is chosen to include at least the following topics: Algebraic and Enumerative Combinatorics, Discrete Geometry, Graph Theory, Coding and Design Theory, Combinatorial Aspects of Computational Algebra and Geometry, Combinatorial Optimization, Probabilistic Combinatorics, and Combinatorics in Mathematical Physics.
Speakers for this meeting will include: Anders Björner, Raymond Hemmecke, Isabella Novik, Lior Pachter, Jessica Sidman and Herbert Wilf.
For more information, please see the conference web page.

Mamaia, Romania

The “Ovidius” University, Constantza, Romania, and the Institute of Mathematics “Simion Stoilow” of the Romanian Academy present an International Conference on Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra & Topology, September 22-26, 2002.
Organizers include Lucian Badescu, Barbu Berceanu, Vasile Brinzanescu, Iustin Coanda, Viviana Ene, Paltin Ionescu, Stefan Papadima, Dorin Popescu, Silviu Sburlan, and Mirela Stefanescu.
The conference web page has information on participants, registration, travel, lodging, and support.