CA+, Madison, WI

CA+, a mini-conference hosted jointly by Minnesota and Wisconsin and highlights work in commutative algebra and related fields like algebraic geometry, number theory, combinatorics, and more. Colloquium-style talks will be targeted at a broad audience of people interested in algebra. The dates are Nov 4-5, 2016 in Madison, WI. For more information, see the conference website:


Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry and Characteristic P, CIRM

CIRM will be hosting a workshop on Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry and Characteristic p  September 12-16, 2016.
Over the past two years, there has been substantial and rapid progress in the understanding of higher dimensional algebraic varieties in characteristic p > 0, specifically from the point of view of the minimal model program. Techniques first developed in commutative algebra and representation theory in the 1980s have begun to be employed extensively. Further development and dissemination of these methods is still needed. On the other hand, it has become clear that in order for further progress to be made, connections with arithmetic aspects of varieties in characteristic p > 0 must be explored and addressed. Additionally, recent progress on applications of Berkovich spaces to birational algebraic geometry suggests another direction in which we will try to forge connections. This workshop will bring together researchers from distinct several areas within algebraic geometry and and also arithmetic geometry with the goal of disseminating recent techniques and forging new connections in research.
Scientific and organizing committee:
Manuel Blickle (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
Karl Schwede (University of Utah)
Chenyang Xu (Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research)
For more information visit the workshop webpage:

Computational Algebra, Algebraic Geometry and Applications (in honor of Alicia Dickenstein), Buenos Aires

The conference Computational Algebra, Algebraic Geometry and Applications will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 1-3 2016. This is a Conference in honor of Alicia Dickenstein. For more information please see the following link.
List of Participants (tentative)

  • Carolina Araujo, Rio de Janeiro
  • Laurent Busé, Nice
  • Eduardo Cattani, Amherst
  • David Cox, Amherst
  • Fernando Cukierman, Buenos Aires
  • Sandra Di Rocco, Stockholm
  • Eduardo Dubuc, Buenos Aires
  • André Galligo, Nice
  • Gabriela Jeronimo, Buenos Aires
  • Teresa Krick, Buenos Aires
  • Reinhard Laubenbacher, Connecticut
  • Laura Matusevich, College Station
  • Roberto Miatello, Córdoba
  • Bernard Mourrain, Nice
  • Marie-Françoise Roy, Rennes
  • Juan Sabia, Buenos Aires
  • Bernd Sturmfels, Berkeley
  • Bernard Tessier, Paris

This conference is a satellite event of the XXI Coloquio Latinoamericano de Álgebra (

Commutative Algebra and Its Interactions with Algebraic Geometry (in honor of Craig Huneke's Birthday), Michigan

Commutative Algebra and Its Interactions with Algebraic Geometry: Tight Closure, Linkage, and Syzygies.  A conference in honor of Craig Huneke’s 65th birthday.

The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Thursday, July 7 – Tuesday, July 12, 2016.

The conference is organized by L. Avramov, M. Hochster, K. Smith, I. Swanson, B. Ulrich.

More information will be posted when it is available.

Update 19 April 2016: There is now a website for the conference. It includes information on how to apply for support.

EACA 2016, Logroño (Spain)

The 15th edition of the EACA meeting on Computer Algebra and Applications will be held June 22-24th 2016 at Logroño, at Universidad de La Rioja, (Spain).
The “Encuentros de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones, EACA” (Meetings on Computer Algebra and Applications) are organized by the Spanish “Red Temática de Cálculo Simbólico, Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones” to provide a meeting frame for researchers in the fields of Computer Algebra and Symbolic Computation, and for those who use these techniques in their research.
This XV Meeting (biannual since 2002) is the natural continuation of those organized in Santander (1995), Sevilla (1996), Granada (1997), Sigüenza (1998) , Tenerife (1999), Barcelona (2000) , Ezcaray (2001) , Valladolid (2002), Santander (2004), Sevilla (2006), Granada (2008), Santiago de Compostela (2010), Alcalá de Henares (2012), and Barcelona (2014).
Important Dates:

  • Submission deadline: February 22, 2016.
  • Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2016.
  • Final version of extended abstracts: May 16, 2016.
  • Early registration deadline: May 23, 2016.
  • Conference: June 22-24, 2016.

Plenary Speakers

  • Carlos D’Andrea, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
  • Enrique Artal, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
  • Mohamed Barakat, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
  • Lawrence C Paulson, University of Cambridge, England
  • Andrea Solotar, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina


  • Effective Methods in Algebra, Analysis, Geometry and Topology
  • Algorithmic Complexity
  • Scientific Computation by means of Symbolic-Numerical Methods
  • Symbolic-Numeric Software
  • Development Analysis, Specification, Design and Implementation of
  • Symbolic Computational Systems
  • Applications to Science and Technology

The webpage for the conference is
update 18 Jan 2016: Second Announcement

XV Encuentro de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones: EACA 2016
(XV Meeting on Computer Algebra and Applications)
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain, June 22-24, 2016
Important Dates:
**Submissions’ deadline: February 22, 2016.**
Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2016.
Final version of extended abstracts: May 16, 2016.
Early registration deadline: May 23, 2016.
Conference: June 22-24, 2016.
Satellite event: Industrial Workshop AICA 2016
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain, June 21, 2016
Participation at EACA 2016 can be done through an oral presentation.
Everyone doing research and/or applications around the topics of the
meeting is welcome to participate.
Contributions should present recent and original research work. Authors
willing to submit a proposal for an oral communication at EACA 2016
should send an extended abstract of their contribution, with no more
than 4 pages, by February 22th, 2016. Authors will receive notification
of acceptance/rejection of their communication as well as on the
possible changes requested by the Scientific Committee, by April 15th,
2016. A final version of the accepted abstracts will be requested for
inclusion in a book of Proceedings.
For each talk 20 minutes are allowed, plus 5 minutes for discussion. We
encourage participants to use English in the written documents used in
their presentations.
The LaTeX file templateEACA.tex contains the template that should be
used to prepare an extended abstract; it can be downloaded at:
The paper must be sent by using the EasyChair platform:
We emphasize and specially favor the participation of young researchers.
The “Encuentros de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones, EACA” (Meetings on Computer
Algebra and Applications) are organized by the Spanish “Red TemáticadeCálculo
Simbólico, Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones” to provide a meeting frame for
researchers in the fields of Computer Algebra and Symbolic Computation, andfor
those who use these techniques in their research.
This XV Meeting (biannual since 2002) is the natural continuation of
those organized in Santander (1995), Sevilla (1996), Granada (1997),
Sigüenza (1998), Tenerife (1999), Barcelona (2000), Ezcaray (2001),
Valladolid (2002), Santander (2004), Sevilla (2006), Granada (2008),
Santiago de Compostela (2010), Alcalá de Henares (2012), and
Barcelona (2014).
– Effective Methods in Algebra, Analysis, Geometry and Topology
– Algorithmic Complexity
– Scientific Computation by means of Symbolic-Numerical Methods
– Symbolic-Numeric Software Development
– Analysis, Specification, Design and Implementation of Symbolic
Computation Systems
– Applications to Science and Technology
Invited Speakers:
– Carlos D’Andrea, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
– Enrique Artal, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
– Mohamed Barakat, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
– Lawrence C Paulson, University of Cambridge, England
– Andrea Solotar, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Scientific Committee:
– María Emilia Alonso, U. Complutense de Madrid
– Isabel Bermejo, U. de La Laguna
– Marta Casanellas, U. Politècnica de Catalunya
– Francisco J. Castro, U. de Sevilla
– Carlos D’Andrea, U. Barcelona
– Joan Elías, U. de Barcelona
– Philippe Giménez, U. de Valladolid
– José Gómez-Torrecillas, U. de Granada
– Laureano González-Vega, U. de Cantabria
– Manuel Ladra, U. de Santiago de Compostela
– Antonio Montes, U. Politècnica de Catalunya
– Tomás Recio, U. de Cantabria
– Julio Rubio, U. de la Rioja
– J. Rafael Sendra, U. de Alcalá de Henares
Local Committee:
Grupo de Informática de la Universidad de La Rioja (Julio Rubio, chair)
Where and When:
EACA 2016 will take place in Logroño, at the Centro Científico
y Tecnológico (Universidad de La Rioja) from June 22th to 24th, 2016.
We expect to have some funding to cover the living expenses of young
participants. We warmly encourage registration and participation of them.
Contact and webpage
Feel free to contact us at if you have any questions.
You will find more information on the homepage of the meeting at

Diana Taylor, 1941-2016; Anthony Geramita, 1942-2016

We are deeply sad to share with the commalg community that Diana Taylor has passed away on June 13 2016. Diana was known for her work on resolution of monomial ideals that has motivated so many mathematicians.
Our thoughts are with her friends and family.
Link to obituary.
tonyupdate 24 June 2016: We are also saddened to tell the community that Anthony Geramita passed away on the 22nd. Tony had a long and distinguished career at Queen’s University and the University of Genova.
Link to obituary.

Macaulay2 Workshop, Warwick, UK

Below is a letter from the organizers of the workshop:
Dear all,
We are organizing a Macaulay2 workshop, from Monday 23 May to Thursday
26 May 2016 with Sunday 22 May and Friday 27 May serving as travel
days. Activities will start first thing Monday morning. The workshop
will be at the University of Warwick, UK. This is the second European
Macaulay2 workshop.
The purpose of the workshop is to bring Macaulay2 developers together
with those who would like to share or develop their skills at writing
packages for Macaulay2 and those interested in developing the
corresponding mathematical algorithms. We are interested in
participants with a broad range of experience with Macaulay2, from
very experienced to novices. The novices will have the opportunity to
learn about Macaulay2 from the more experienced participants.
Some examples of projects from past workshops can be viewed by looking
through the Macaulay2 wiki pages for past workshops (see
There is ongoing work on many of the packages described there, and we
hope that a few teams will propose new projects and work on them at
this workshop as well.
Support is available from the Macaulay2 NSF grant for a small number
of US based people with experience with M2. We also have some local
funding that can provide partial support for participants. If you
would like to attend, please apply as soon as possible at the
following webpage:
and also register at the Warwick MRC page:
Your application should include:
1. information about what projects/algorithms you would like to work
on, and what you have done in the past. (This is the most important
piece — please put some thought into this and be as specific as
2. whether you would require financial support for travel expenses,
and if you will be willing to share a room.
3. your current institution and rank, and if you are a PhD
student, your supervisor’s name.
Applications are due by 1 April, 2016. We plan to allocate local funds
to participants shortly thereafter.
Thomas Kahle and Diane Maclagan (the organizers)

Graduate Student Conference in Algebra, Geometry, and Topology

The Graduate Student Conference in Algebra, Geometry, and Topology (GSCAGT) is coming up on May 14-15, 2016 at Temple University (Philadelphia).  For more information see the website:

This year’s (very excellent!) plenary speakers are:

  • Zajj Daugherty (City College of New York)
  • Jordan Ellenberg (University of Wisconsin)
  • Elisenda Grigsby (Boston College)
  • Alan Reid (University of Texas at Austin)

and there will be a host of interesting talks from students.

If you and/ or your student(s) are interesting in attending, the registration deadline is April 5th (this will be extended from old March 25th deadline).

HoMAS 2016, Georgia Southern

Georgia Southern University will host a conference on Homological Methods in Algebraic Structures, in May 2016 (May 13-14). The aim is to cover recent developments and applications of the homological methods in areas such as Commutative and Non commutative Algebra, Model Category Theory, Algebraic Geometry.

Here is the link to the conference website: