Third Pohang International Conference on Commutative Rings and Algebras

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to give the second announcement of the Third Pohang International Conference on Commutative Rings and Algebras.

  • Time: June 5-10, 2017
  • Place: Hyundai Hotel Gyeongju, Gyeongju, South Korea.

For a better preparation for the conference, please let us know if you are going to attend (or plan to attend but not fixed yet) the conference by February 28, 2017.

If you would like to give a talk at the conference, please send your abstracts in TEX and PDF to (Phan Thanh Toan) and (Byung Gyun Kang) by March 31, 2017.

The conference fee is $300 including a formal conference banquet. Please pay the fee by cash at the conference venue. Unfortunately, we are unable to give any support for your travel or living expenses this time.

We have made a (simple) website for the conference. Please visit it at for more information such as travel or accommodation.

If you have any questions regarding the conference, please feel free to contact us: Byung Gyun Kang (email: or Phan Thanh Toan (email:

We look forward to seeing you in Korea.

Best regards,

Byung Gyun Kang

AMS Sectional, Hunter College NYC

The Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting of the AMS is at Hunter College, City University of New York, New York, NY, May 6-7, 2017 (Saturday – Sunday). The following special sections will be running:

A View Towards Algebraic Geometry, in honor of David Eisenbud’s birthday

An upcoming conference “A View Towards Algebraic Geometry” is being held in honor of David Eisenbud’s 70th birthday. The conference will be held from Monday, May 1 through Friday, May 5 at the Harbor View Hotel on Martha’s Vineyard. More information can be found on the conference website:


  • Daniel Erman
  • Mircea Mustaţă
  • Claudiu Raicu
  • Gregory G. Smith

KUMUNUjr 2017

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln will host the sixth annual KUMUNUjr conference this Spring. Registration is now open:

Registration closes March 22nd. For a 20 minute talk please register (with an abstract) by March 22nd too.

Dates: April 8-9, 2016

Location: University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Confirmed Speakers (as of 2-4-17):

  • Zach Flores, Colorado State University
  • Jonathan Montaño, University of Kansas
  • Ashley Wheeler, University of Arkansas
  • Andrew Windle, University of Nebraska

KUMUNUjr provides an opportunity for young mathematicians studying commutative algebra in the Midwest to share their research and expertise with one another. Our discipline is an active one, with connections to algebraic geometry, cluster algebras, combinatorics, homological algebra, representation theory, statistics, and other areas. Furthermore, midwestern commutative algebra research continues to reflect the activity and diversity of the commutative algebra research community. We anticipate funding through the NSF to partially cover travel and lodging expenses. Feel free to contact any of the organizers with questions.

On behalf of the KUMUNUjr planning committee:

Atlanta JMM

The 2017 Joint Math Meetings will be held January 4-7 (Wed-Sat) in Atlanta, GA ( Here are some special sessions that might be of interests.

Commutative Algebra: Research for Undergraduate and Early Graduate Students

This session meets Friday 1/6 1:00-5:50 and will include a few 45-minute lectures from senior researchers with experience working with young commutative algebraists as well as 20-minute talks from undergraduates and early graduate students. The focus of this session is serious but student-friendly commutative algebra research, and should be accessible to anyone having had a first course in ring theory. The aim is to promote future commutative algebra research with undergraduates and early graduate students by highlighting new results and interesting, tractable open problems.

Session Webpage

Organizers: Nick Baeth and Courtney Gibbons.

RTG Workshop on the Homological Conjectures in Commutative Algebra

The University of Illinois at Chicago will host an RTG Workshop on the Homological Conjectures in Commutative Algebra from November 18th through the 20th of 2016. The minicourses will be geared toward graduate students, postdocs, and young researchers; titles are speakers are listed below:

  • Introduction – Chris Skalit (UIC)
  • Minicourse 1 – Mel Hochster (Michigan): An overview of the homological conjectures, recent progress on the direct summand conjecture, big Cohen-Macaulay modules and algebras, and lim Cohen-Macaulay sequences
  • Minicourse 2 – Mark Walker (Nebraska): Tackling homological conjectures using algebraic K-theory
  • Minicourse 3 – Linquan Ma (Utah): The vanishing conjecture for maps of Tor, splinters, and derived splinters

Workshop and registration information may be found at ( Those seeking funding should apply by October 10th.

AMS Fall Sectional, North Carolina State

There will be a special session at the Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting, North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC on November 12-13, 2016 (Saturday – Sunday)
See more information at:

Special Session on Homological Methods in Commutative Algebra.


Alina Iacob: Georgia Southern University

Saeed Nasseh, Georgia Southern University