Workshop on commutative algebra devoted to Peter Schenzel, Osnabrück

There will be a Workshop on commutative algebra,  October 26 – 28, 2017 at the University of Osnabrück.
This workshop is devoted to Peter Schenzel, honoring his manifold contributions to our field.
Invited speakers are:

  • Rüdiger Achilles
  • Josep Alvarez Montaner
  • Markus Brodmann
  • Alessio Caminata
  • Emanuela De Negri
  • Elisa Gorla
  • Dang Hop Nguyen
  • Anargyros Katsabekis
  • Leif Melkersson
  • Uwe Nagel
  • Euisung Park
  • Anne-Marie Simon
  • Ngo Viet Trung

For more information see:

Structures on Free Resolutions, Lubbock, TX

There will be a workshop-style conference, “Structures on Free Resolutions,” held in Lubbock, TX from October 26-28. The deadline to apply is August 15. Here is a link for more information and to apply for the program:

  • Peder Thompson
  • Lars Winther Christensen

KUMUNU 2017, Kansas

KUMUNU (which is named for its original participating institutions: the University of Kansas, University of Missouri-Columbia, and University of Nebraska-Lincoln) has been an annual conference for commutative algebraists in the Great Plains region since 1999. It has evolved into a conference involving not only commutative algebra but many different fields where commutative algebra has found applications and inspirations.
This year KUMUNU 2017 will be held at the University of Kansas, in Snow Hall 120, on October 21-22, 2017. The conference will also include a poster session for postdocs and graduate students.
The conference will provide lodging for as many participants as possible. In accordance with NSF guidelines, funds will be prioritized to support participants who have no other federal support and participants who are students, post-doctoral scholars, or members of groups that are under-represented in the mathematical sciences.
For more information please see the conference website:

CA+, Minnesota

CA+ is a mini-conference hosted jointly by Minnesota and Wisconsin. We highlight work in commutative algebra and related fields like algebraic geometry, number theory, combinatorics, and more. We have colloquium-style talks targeted at a broad audience of people interested in algebra.

This year’s meeting is September 22-23 at University of Minnesota. We will have 6 talks, starting on the afternoon of Friday, Sept 22 and going through Saturday, Sept 23. We also have targeted small group conversations related to research and/or professional development. This year’s speakers are Lauren Williams (Berkeley), Emily Witt (Kansas), Jay Yang (Wisconsin), Alexander Yong (UIUC), and two more to be confirmed.

See our webpage:

where you’ll find the schedule and information about registration.

In past years we’ve had NSF funding, and if this continues, we plan to fund a number graduate students and postdocs. So if you’re interested in attending please fill out the registration ASAP!

Inviting submissions for a special Issue on Commutative algebra

In recognition of the excitement of the July 2017 workshop “The Prospects for Commutative Algebra” (, the journal Acta Mathematical Vietnamica ( has agreed to have a special issue devoted to commutative algebra, to be published in January 2019. We —

  • Dale Cutkosky 
  • David Eisenbud
  • Shiro Goto
  • Jürgen Herzog
  • Takayuki Hibi
  • Ngô Việt Trung

— will serve as the editorial committee for the issue. We hope to make it an important document showing some of the best current research in the field, and we invite submissions.
Feel free to write to us with any questions. The deadline for final versions of the papers is September 2018, so we must ask for submissions by March 2018 at the latest.
Best regards,
Dale, David, Jürgen, Shiro, Takayuki, Trung

International Meeting in Commutative Algebra and its Related Areas, in honor of Aron Simis' 75th Birthday

The Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil will organize the International Meeting in Commutative Algebra and its Related Areas, July 17 – 21, 2017. A conference to celebrate Prof. Aron Simis 75th Birthday. The goal of the meeting is to promote different facets of Commutative Algebra and its Related Areas. The organization is still in progress.
Contact the organizers at if you have any queries about attending or participating in the seminar.
For additional information, see the webpage .
update 20 March 2017: The registration of the International Meeting in Commutative Algebra and its Related Areas (IMCARA 2017) are open.
For more information and fill out the registration form please go to the website
The registration fee includes a dinner party of the event.

PRAGMATIC 2017, Catania, Italy

PRAGMATIC 2017 will be in Catania, Italy on June 19th – July 7th, 2017 (arrival date June 18th; departure date July 8th).


  • Brian Harbourne – University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska (USA)
  • Adam Van Tuyl – McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario (Canada)


  • Tai Huy Ha – Tulane University New Orleans (USA)
  • Enrico Carlini – Politecnico di Torino (Italy)

Topic: Powers of ideals and ideals of powers

The topics are motivated by algebraic problems related to the relationship between various notions of powers of ideals, and by geometric problems related to secant varieties, including, as just one among a constellation of variations, the Waring problem of writing a homogeneous polynomial as a minimal sum of powers of linear homogeneous polynomials, which translates algebraically into studying ideals of powers.

These topics will be approached from three points of view—algebra, combinatorics, and geometry—and the interactions between these perspectives will be developed. Participants will be invited to explore the evolution of the set of associated primes of higher and higher powers of an ideal. For ideals associated to a combinatorial object like a graph or hypergraph, one wishes to explain this evolution in terms of the original combinatorial objects. Similar questions concern understanding the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of powers of combinatorially defined ideals in terms of the associated combinatorial data.

From a more geometric point of view, one can consider how the relations between symbolic and regular powers can be interpreted in geometrical terms. Other topics to be studied include aspects of Waring type problems and symbolic powers of an ideal, for example, Waldschmidt constants, resurgences, and the persistence of associated primes.

A significant feature of this school of research is that participants will be divided into small groups (say groups of 2 to 3) to work on open problems on topics related to the main lectures. The lecturers will mentor each group, with the larger goal of providing each group with the basis for a project leading to a publication of the results in a professional journal.

People who wish to be considered either for participation and/or for financial support should fill an application form,

available at

which should be sent to the following address:


The deadline for applications is March 31th, 2017. The Committee of Pragmatic will decide about financial supports and admissions within April 15th, 2017.

Interested people who need more information about Pragmatic can contact any member of the local committee or write to the above e-mail address.

Further information and application form at:

See also:


  • Alfio Ragusa – Università di Catania
  • Elena Guardo – Università di Catania
  • Francesco Russo – Università di Catania
  • Giuseppe Zappalà – Università di Catania