Old and New themes in p-adic Cohomology, Arkansas

The 43rd Annual Spring Lecture Series, Old and New themes in p-adic Cohomology, will be held at the University of Arkansas on April 4-8, 2018 (Times TBA).  The current speaker list is as follows. 
Principle Speaker

  • Kiran Kedlaya (University of California at San Diego)

Public Lecture 

  • Fernando Gouvêa (Colby)

Associated Speakers

  • Bryden Cais (University of Arizona)
  • Richard Crew (University of Florida)
  • Veronika Ertl (University of Regensburg/Keio University)
  • David Hansen (Columbia University)
  • Ruochuan Liu (BICMR – Peking University)
  • Tong Liu (Purdue University)
  • Ananth Shankar (MIT)
  • Alberto Vezzani (LAGA – Université Paris 13)
  • Liang Xiao (University of Connecticut)
  • David Zureick-Brown (Emory University)

For more information see the Lecture Series website:

A Day of Algebraic Geometry in Savannah, Georgia

From the Organizers:
Dear colleagues,
this is the first announcement for
“A Day of Algebraic Geometry in Savannah”
workshop which will take place at the Armstrong Campus of Georgia Southern University in Savannah, GA, March 31st 2018.
List of speakers:

  • Valery Alexeev [*] (UGA)
  • Matthew Ballard (USC)
  • Ana-Maria Castravet (Northeastern)
  • Angela Gibney [*] (Rutgers)
  • Emanuele Macrì (Northeastern)

For more information on the meeting and registration, please check the website

Hoping to see you in Savannah,
Jim Brawner
Sungkon Chan
Jimmy Dillies
Davide Fusi (USC)
Enka Lakuriqi
[*] to be confirmed

Algebraic geometry and its broader implications: a celebration of Robin Hartshorne's 80th and the book's 40th birthday, Chicago

This is a conference in honor of Robin Hartshorne’s 80th birthday and his many contributions to mathematics.
The conference will take place March 23 to 25, 2018 at the University of Illinois, Chicago.
The lectures at the meeting will be of a general and expository nature.
Invited speakers are:

  • Marta Casanellas
  • David Eisenbud
  • Joe Harris
  • Robin Hartshorne
  • Craig Huneke
  • Arthur Ogus
  • Christian Peskine
  • Karen Smith

Conference organizers:

  • Lawrence Ein
  • Claudia Polini
  • Kevin Tucker
  • Bernd Ulrich

For more information see the conference website: http://kftucker.people.uic.edu/Hart80

Spring AMS Sectional, Ohio State

The Spring Central Sectional Meeting at Ohio State University, Columbus, OH will be held March 17-18, 2018 (Saturday – Sunday). The following special sessions will be hosted:



The Homological Conjectures: Resolved! (MSRI)

A workshop on the Homological Conjectures will be at MSRI,  March 12, 2018 – March 16, 2018.
The homological conjectures in commutative algebra are a network of conjectures that have generated a tremendous amount of activity in the last 50 years. They had largely been resolved for commutative rings that contain a field, but, with the exception of some low dimensional cases, several remained open in mixed characteristic — until recently, when Yves Andr\’e announced a proof of Hochster’s Direct Summand Conjecture. The progress comes from systematically applying Scholze’s theory of perfectoid spaces, which had already shown its value by solving formidable problems in number theory and representation theory. One of the goals of the workshop is to cover the ingredients going into the proofs of the Direct Summand Conjecture.

More information can be found here: https://www.msri.org/workshops/842

Combinatorial Algebra meets Algebraic Combinatorics, McMaster University

Combinatorial Algebra meets Algebraic Combinatorics
Fifteenth Annual Meeting
McMaster University,
Hamilton, Canada
January 26 – 28, 2018
This meeting is a continuation of the annual workshops focusing on the interplay between commutative algebra (particularly, resolutions and inverse systems) and algebraic combinatorics (the representation theory of symmetric groups).
Invited Speakers:
Johannes Hofscheier (McMaster University)
Elizabeth Townsend Milicevic (Haverford)
Jenna Rajchgot (Saskatchewan)
Franco Saliola (UQAM)
Megumi Harada (McMaster University)
Adam Van Tuyl (McMaster)
Mike Zabrocki (York)
If you are interested in attending and/or giving a talk, please contact us at: caac2018mcmaster@gmail.com
We have currently applied for funding to help with expenses. For more information, please write to the organizers.
Please see our website for the latest information:

San Diego JMM 2018

The 2018 Joint Math Meetings will be held January 10-13 in San Diego, CA (http://jointmathematicsmeetings.org/jmm). Here are some links to some events that might be of interest.
update 2 Nov: Craig Huneke of the University of Virginia will be giving one of the talks in the Current Events Bulletin session. His title is “How complicated are polynomials in many variables?”. Here is the abstract:

The title question refers to systems of polynomial equations in many variables over a field. The question can be made precise in many ways, for example, through the complexity of detecting whether a given polynomial can be expressed as a linear combination (with polynomial coefficients) of other polynomials.
Another sense in which the question can be made precise is through comparisons of numerical data about the ideal generated by the polynomial equations, which generalize the numbers of generators and relations. Such additional numerical data was originally introduced in the 1890’s by David Hilbert to count the number of polynomial invariants of the action of a group (this was the work that “killed” invariant theory for a brief time!). In the last two years, three long-standing problems about these numerical invariants have been solved.

AMS Special Session on Combinatorial Commutative Algebra and Polytopes

  • Robert Davis, Michigan State University davisr@math.msu.edu
  • Liam Solus, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

AMS Special Session on Commutative Algebra in All Characteristics

  • Neil Epstein, George Mason University nepstei2@gmu.edu
  • Karl Schwede, University of Utah
  • Janet Vassilev, University of New Mexico


Liam O'Carroll, 1945-2017. Current Events Bulletin at JMM.

We are sorry to write that Liam O’Carroll, born June 10, 1945, and known in the international community of commutative algebraists for his work on various aspects of the subject but especially on uniform Artin–Rees Theorems, died on 25 October 2017, of myeloma and acute myeloid leukemia. In accordance with his wishes, his body was donated for medical research. Messages of condolence can be sent to liamocarrollmemories@yahoo.com.
Our thoughts are with his family and friends.
Obituary Notice.

We added information about Craig Huneke’s talk in the “Current Events Bulletin” session at the San Diego JMM to our post about the JMM.  See there for details.