Graduate Summer School in Algebraic Group Actions
June 11 – 15, 2018, McMaster University
One of the goals of this summer school is to capitalize on the successful Fields Institute “Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry” Major Thematic Program in Fall 2016 and to offer beginning graduate students a chance to get an in-depth introduction to some of the exciting topics within Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry during the week before the Retrospective Workshop (to be held June 18–22, 2018 at the Fields Institute) on the same theme.
– Kiumars Kaveh (University of Pittsburgh)
– Johannes Hofscheier (McMaster)
Dr. Kaveh and Dr. Hofscheier will each give a 5-day series of lectures on these topics of interest to Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry. We expect Dr. Kaveh to focus on Newton-Okounkov bodies and tropical geometry, with Dr. Hofscheier focusing primarily on spherical geometry. Lectures will be held in the morning, with problem sessions and informal discussions in the afternoon.
Some funding is available for local expenses. For the latest information on the workshop, and to apply for funding, please see
Organizing Committee
Megumi Harada – McMaster University
Adam Van Tuyl – McMaster University