The University of Illinois at Chicago will host an RTG Workshop on the Homological Conjectures in Commutative Algebra from November 18th through the 20th of 2016. The minicourses will be geared toward graduate students, postdocs, and young researchers; titles are speakers are listed below:
- Introduction – Chris Skalit (UIC)
- Minicourse 1 – Mel Hochster (Michigan): An overview of the homological conjectures, recent progress on the direct summand conjecture, big Cohen-Macaulay modules and algebras, and lim Cohen-Macaulay sequences
- Minicourse 2 – Mark Walker (Nebraska): Tackling homological conjectures using algebraic K-theory
- Minicourse 3 – Linquan Ma (Utah): The vanishing conjecture for maps of Tor, splinters, and derived splinters
Workshop and registration information may be found at ( Those seeking funding should apply by October 10th.