The conference RECENT ADVANCES IN COMMUTATIVE RING AND MODULE THEORY will take place in Bressanone/Brixen, June 13-17 2016.
The main subjects include:
- Spaces of valuation domains and applications;
- Multiplicative Ideal Theory, lattices, star and semistar operations;
- Factorization and divisibility properties in the ideal theory of commutative rings;
- Rings of integer-valued polynomials;
- Topological and algebraic entropy over commutative rings;
- Almost t-injective and fully inert modules over integral domains
Invited Speakers:
- Alfred Geroldinger (U. Graz, AUT)
- Sophie Frisch (Technische U. Graz, AUT)
- Anna Giordano Bruno (U. Udine)
- Carmelo Antonio Finocchiaro (U. Roma Tre)
- Jean-Luc Chabert (U. de Picardie Jules Verne, FR)
- Luigi Salce (U. Padova)
- Tom Lucas (U. North Carolina Charlotte, USA) (to confirm)
- Mi Hee Park (Chung-Ang U., KOR)
For more information, see the web site of the conference.