Interactions between Commutative Algebra and Representation Theory
A conference in honor of Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz’s sixtieth birthday
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY
April 13–15, 2012
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and
by the Mathematics Department and College of Arts and Sciences
of Syracuse University.
The conference is over!
Our thanks to everyone for making the conference a roaring success. Here are a few photos from the weekend; please let us know if you have some too, since not all of ours came out well.

Here is some follow-up material from the speakers, including beamer slides where appropriate, links to relevant (p)reprints, and extra information.
- Avramov: a preprint, Bass numbers over local rings via stable cohomology
- Căldăraru:
- Eisenbud: a reading list of material related to Boij-Soederberg theory, including the preprint Categorified duality in Boij-Söderberg Theory and invariants of free complexes with Daniel Erman
- Green: a preprint, The Ext algebra of a Brauer graph algebra, with Scholl, Snashall and Taillefer.
- Huneke: a preprint, Bounds on the Hilbert-Kunz multipicity, with Celikbas, Dao, and Zhang.
- Liu: slides and two relevant papers A proof of the strong no loop conjecture with Igusa and Paquette, and Some homological conjectures for quasi-stratified algebras with Paquette.
- Pevtsova: slides
- Şega: a preprint, On the linearity defect of the residue field, and some slides.
- Ulrich: a preprint, A study of singularities on rational curves via syzygies, with Cox, Kustin, and Polini.
- Witherspoon: slides
Local Information
- Map of campus and vicinity, including the Hall of Languages (talks), the Sheraton (most people’s hotel), and Phoebe’s (dinner on Saturday night)
- Google Map of the area with places to eat, drink, and be merry.
- Local weather
Here is a poster, suitable for framing.
Speakers and Schedule
All talks will be in Hall of Languages (photo at right, click to embiggen). Enter at the main entrance (center of the photo); 1 flight down for room 107, 1 flight up for room 207.
Friday, April 13: 107 Hall of Languages
- 4:00: Snacks and Coffee
- 4:30-5:15: Ed Green (Virginia Tech University), “A reduction theorem for finite generation of cohomology rings”
- 5:45-6:30: Lucho Avramov (University of Nebraska), “Duality for DG algebras”
Saturday, April 14: 207 Hall of Languages
- 9:00-9:45: Shiping Liu (University of Sherbrooke), “On the global dimension of an algebra”
- 10:15-11:00: Craig Huneke (University of Kansas), “Lower bounds on Hilbert-Kunz multiplicities or: how I learned to stop worrying about being behind Buchweitz”
- 11:30-12:15: Liana Şega (University of Missouri-Kansas City), “Linearity properties of minimal free resolutions”
- 2:30-3:15: Sarah Witherspoon (Texas A&M University), “Hochschild cohomology of crossed products: ring and graded Lie structure”
- 4:00-4:45: Andrei Căldăraru (University of Wisconsin), “The Hodge theorem as a derived self-intersection”
Sunday, April 15: 107 Hall of Languages
- 9:00-9:45: Bernd Ulrich (Purdue University), “Syzygies, Rees Algebras, and Singularities of Rational Curves”
- 10:00-10:45: Julia Pevtsova (University of Washington), “Elementary subalgebras of modular Lie algebras and vector bundles on projective varieties”
- 11:00-11:45: David Eisenbud (University of California-Berkeley), “Categorified duality in Boij-Soederberg theory”
Contact any organizer for more information, or email the conference gmail address.
- Srikanth Iyengar,
- Graham Leuschke,
- Claudia Miller,
- Dan Zacharia,
Registered Participants
- Lucho Avramov (Nebraska)
- Margaret Bailey (Syracuse)
- Arindam Banerjee (Kansas)
- Charlie Beil (Stony Brook)
- Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz (Toronto)
- Andrei Căldăraru (Wisconsin)
- Lars Winther Christensen (Texas Tech)
- Gemma Colomé-Nin (Purdue)
- Alessandro De Stefani (Kansas)
- Steven Diaz (Syracuse)
- Kosmas Diveris (Syracuse)
- David Eisenbud (Berkeley)
- Federico Galetto (Northeastern)
- Ed Green (Virginia Tech)
- Inês Henriques (Riverside)
- Reiner Hermann (Bielefeld)
- Stephen Hermes (Brandeis)
- Lutz Hille (Münster)
- Justin Hoffmeier (Missouri-Kansas City)
- Craig Huneke (Kansas)
- Youngsu Kim (Purdue)
- Liping Li (Minnesota)
- Kuei Nuan Lin (Riverside)
- Shiping Liu (Sherbrooke)
- Paolo Mantero (Purdue)
- Alex Martsinkovsky (Northeastern)
- Matt Mastroeni (Syracuse)
- Moira McDermott (Syracuse)
- Andrew Misseldine (Brigham Young)
- Jonathan Montaño (Purdue)
- Ali Mousavidehshikh (Toronto)
- Vivek Mukundan (Purdue)
- Ellen Nary (Syracuse)
- Mara Neusel (Texas Tech)
- Nham V. Ngo (Georgia)
- Julia Pevtsova (Washington)
- Brian Pike (Toronto)
- Marju Purin (Manhattan)
- Hamid Rahmati (Syracuse)
- Antoni Rangachev (Northeastern)
- Denise Rangel (Texas-Arlington)
- Collin Roberts (Toronto)
- Jeremy Russell (Northeastern)
- Sarang Sane (Kansas)
- Liana Şega (Missouri-Kansas City)
- Ilya Smirnov (Kansas)
- Joshua Stangle (Syracuse)
- Branden Stone (Kansas)
- Janet Striuli (Fairfield)
- Alex Tchernev (Albany)
- Bernd Ulrich (Purdue)
- Rahbar Virk (Colorado)
- Melissa Voldan (Syracuse)
- Uli Walther (Purdue)
- Roger Wiegand (Nebraska)
- Sylvia Wiegand (Nebraska)
- Sarah Witherspoon (Texas A&M)
- Mark Wong (Syracuse)
- Xuan Yu (Nebraska)