Welcome to where we keep the photos! Here are all the events we’ve documented since 2002. We’re always happy to hear from you if you’ve got pictures you’d like us to post or point to — just let us know!
We’re slowly importing the old photos pages to the new system. Here are links to the old pages:
- Ottawa CMS Winter Meeting(December 08)
- Route 81 2008 (October 08)
- Cortona (September 07)
- Notre Dame (April 06)
- Snowbird, UT (June 05)
- Wiegandfest, Lincoln NE (May 05)
- Oberwolfach (April 05)
- Lawrence, KS (October 04)
- Nashville, TN (October 04)
- Route 81 in Ithaca, NY (September-October 04)
- Graz, Austria (September 04)
- Banff, Alberta, Canada (September 04)
- Chicago, Illinois (July-Aug 04)
- Trieste, Italy (June 04)
- Houston, West Lafayette, and Salt Lake City (May-June 04)
- Allahabad, India (December 03)
- KUMUNU 2003, Lawrence, Kansas (September 2003)
- Snowbird, Utah (July 03)
- Luminy, France (June 03)
- KUMUNU 2002, Lawrence, Kansas (September 2002)
- Acireale, Italy (June 02)
- Levico, Italy (June 02)
- Lincoln, Nebraska (March 02): Talks and Socializing
- Ann Arbor, Michigan (March 02)
As the old ones get imported, they’ll appear below: