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Graduate Course on Tight Closure of Ideals and its Applications
May 16, 2022 - July 25, 2022
ICTP is hosting a virtual graduate course on tight closure of ideals and its applications. Registration is open at the ICTP website: http://indico.ictp.it/event/ 9791/
- An overview of tight closure of ideals
- Test ideals
- Direct summands
- F-rational rings and rational singularities
- Hilbert-Kunz multiplicities
- Briançon-Skoda Theorems
- Big Cohen-Macaulay algebras
- The absolute integral closure
- Symbolic powers of ideals
- The localisation problem
- Uniform Artin-Rees results
Ian Aberbach, University of Missouri, USA
Ian Aberbach, University of Missouri, USA
Florian Enescu, Georgia State University, USA
Neil Epstein, George Mason University, USA
Eloísa Grifo, University of Nebraska, USA
Gennady Lyubeznik, University of Minnesota, USA
Linquan Ma, Purdue University, USA
Thomas Polstra, University of Virginia, USA
Irena Swanson, Purdue University, USA
Vijaylaxmi Trivedi, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India
Kevin Tucker, University of Illinois, USA
Wenliang Zhang, University of Illinois, USA