Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry Retrospective Workshop, Fields Institute

Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry Retrospective Workshop
June 18 – 22, 2018, The Fields Institute

This is a follow up workshop to the Fields Institute semester dedicated to Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry. This workshop will highlight the many interactions between combinatorics and algebraic geometry in the specific realms of toric and tropical geometry, Newton Okounkov bodies, combinatorial aspects of moduli spaces, and effectivity and positivity questions in algebraic geometry. The program will feature talks, a poster session, and moderated problem sessions.
The week prior to the workshop there will be a week long summer school at McMaster University organized by Megumi Harada and Adam Van Tuyl. In particular, Ph.D. students and postdocs are encouraged to attend both events.
More information can be found on the following site:

Preliminary list of speakers:

Hiraku Abe
Valery Alexeev *
Barbara Bolognese
Patrick Brosnan *
Ana-Maria Castravet
Izzet Coskun *
Angelica Cueto
Laura Escobar
Joel Kamnitzer
Alex Kuronya *
Hannah Markwig
Sam Payne *
Aaron Pixton
Rohini Ramadas
Sandra di Rocco
Frank Sottile
Bernd Sturmfels
Ravi Vakil *
* to be confirmed

Organizing Committee

David Anderson – Ohio State University
Renzo Cavalieri – Colorado State University
Megumi Harada – McMaster University
Kristin Shaw – Max Planck Institute Leipzig

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