Paris: Additive Combinatorics

Additive Combinatorics in Paris 2012, at the IHP, Paris, France from July 9th – 13th, 2012.
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“Additive Combinatorics in Paris 2012” will be held at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris during the week 9th-13th July 2012. The conference will be dedicated to the memory of Yahya ould Hamidoune, who passed away earlier this year. As such, the scope of the conference encompasses topics in additive and combinatorial number theory, additive group theory, graph theory and probabilistic combinatorics as well as adjacent fields.
In particular, this also includes certain topics on the arithmetic of commutative domains and monoids (Dedekind, Krull, numerical,…), in which Yahya had an active interest, where methods from additive combinatorics are key. There will be at least two talks, by A.Geroldinger (plenary) and S.T.Chapman. which will discuss such arithmetic aspects.
There will be a special talk on Yahya’s mathematical achievements, a movie documenting his battle against environmental destruction in his native Mauritania as well as a themed conference dinner.

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