First announcement and call for papers:
MEGA 2013
Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany,
June 3-7, 2013
Further information: http://math.uni-frankfurt.de/mega2013/
MEGA is the acronym for Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry (and its equivalent in Italian, French, Spanish, German, Russian, etc.). This series of biennial international conferences, with the tradition dating back to 1990, is devoted to computational and application aspects of Algebraic Geometry and related topics.
The conference will comprise invited talks, regular talks (based on a competitive submission process), software presentations, as well as a poster session.
Invited speakers:
- Lucia Caporaso (University Roma Tre)
- Felipe Cucker (City University of Hong Kong)
- Bas Edixhoven (University of Leiden)
- Benjamin Nill (Case Western Reserve University)
- Giorgio Ottaviani (University of Firenze)
- Frank-Olaf Schreyer (University of Saarbrücken)
- Markus Schweighofer (University of Konstanz)
- Seth Sullivant (North Carolina State University)
- Rekha Thomas (University of Washington)
Important dates:
Deadline for submissions of abstracts: December 1, 2012
Notification of acceptance decision: February 20, 2013
Deadline for submissions of software presentations: March 1, 2013
Notification of acceptance decision: March 31, 2013
Submissions: Submissions should contain recent original research relevant to effective methods in algebraic geometry (in a broad sense), including their foundations, analysis, complexity, computational aspects, practical issues and applications.
There are two possible modes of submission:
– Extended abstracts of at least four pages (not counting bibliography) that should contain full results, an outline of the proofs and all of the main ideas.
– Full papers with complete proofs.
The introduction should clearly state the contributions and achievements of the paper. It will be used to organize the refereeing, and should give sufficient details to understand the significance of the contribution and assign the paper to a proper referee.
Papers already submitted elsewhere, but not in press yet, might be acceptable but this fact has to be stated and a motivation given in the abstract. The acceptance of an already submitted paper depends on the special significance and on the research perspectives opened by the paper.
Papers are to be submitted online through the Easy Chair interface, which is available at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mega2013
Acceptance of a submitted contribution means acceptance for oral presentation only. It is planned that there will be a special issue of a journal to which authors of accepted original papers will be invited to submit the full version by the time of the conference. Only original research contributions will be considered for publication in the journal special issue.
There will also be a call for software presentations as well as a call for posters.
Executive committee: Alin Bostan (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt), Wolfram Decker (U of Kaiserslautern), Alicia Dickenstein (U of Buenos Aires), Jan Draisma (TU Eindhoven), Christian Haase (Goethe University Frankfurt), Bernard Mourrain (INRIA Sophia Antipolis, chair), Tomas Recio (U Cantabria, Santander), Thorsten Theobald (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Local committee: Maria Angelica Cueto (Columbia University and Frankfurt) Christian Haase (Frankfurt, vice-chair), Jan Hofmann (Frankfurt), Michael Joswig (TU Darmstadt), Andreas Paffenholz (TU Darmstadt), Thorsten Theobald (Frankfurt, chair), Christian Trabandt (Frankfurt), Annette Werner (Frankfurt), Timo de Wolff (Frankfurt)