ELGA 2011, Argentina

The First Latin American School on Algebraic Geometry and Applications / Primera Escuela Latinoamericana de Geometría Algebraica y Aplicaciones (ELGA 2011) will take place in Argentina in August 2011.
There will be one week of Courses, primarily for graduate students, followed by a Workshop/Conference during the second week.
The dates and locations are:
Courses: 1/August – 5/August/2011, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
Conference/Workshop: 8/August – 12/August/2011, Córdoba (Argentina).
This is a CIMPA School an external activity of the ICTP and the 4th. Luis Santaló School (Departamento de Matemática, FCEN-Universidad de Buenos Aires).
First Week: SCHOOL
1/August – 5/August/2011, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
The following courses will be offered:
1) Intersection Theory: Joe Harris (Harvard, USA).
2) Deformation Theory: Robin Hartshorne (Berkeley, USA).
3) Tropical Algebraic Geometry: Diane Maclagan (Warwick, England).
4) Algebraic Geometric Codes: Peter Beelen (Copenhaguen, Denmark).
8/August – 12/August/2011, Córdoba (Argentina).
The program consists of Plenary Lectures and several special Sessions.
Please consult the web page for details and updates.
More information (including the REGISTRATION form) may be found at the web page.
The organizers expect to obtain financial support to cover lodging expenses for invited speakers and selected Latin American participants.
DEADLINE to apply for financial support: May 20, 2011.

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