The Departments of Mathematics of Università degli Studi “Roma Tre” and Università degli Studi “Sapienza” will sponsor “Commutative Ring Theory Days”, May 20-21 2010 in Rome, Italy. There will be an additional pre-session on the afternoon of May 19.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers in the area of commutative ring theory, with a certain emphasis on young people. The main themes of the conference are:
- factorization and divisibility properties, decomposition of ideals, class groups;
- multiplicative ideal and module systems, star and semistar operations;
- intersections of valuation domains (Prüfer domains and their generalizations);
- analytically irreducible one-dimensional rings and their value semigroups
- integer-valued polynomials.
For more information, including registration information and deadlines, please see the web page for the conference.