The seventh annual “Combinatorial Algebra meets Algebraic Combinatorics” meeting will be held at Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada, January 22 – 24, 2010. The organizers are
- Francois Bergeron (UQAM, Montreal)
- Sara Faridi (Dalhousie University)
- Tony Geramita (Queen’s University and University of Genoa)
- Mike Roth (Queen’s University)
This meeting is a continuation of previous annual workshops focusing on the interplay between commutative algebra (particularly, resolutions and inverse systems) and algebraic combinatorics (the representation theory of symmetric groups). Invited speakers include:
- Nantel Bergeron (York University, Toronto)
- Mats Boij (KTH, Stockholm)
- Jennifer Morse (Drexel University, Philadelphia)
- Christophe Reutenauer (UQAM, Montreal)
Contributed talks are welcome.
Some funds are available to assist students and postdocs with travel costs.
Send inquiries to Sara Faridi (faridi AT
For more information, see the meeting website.