Macaulay2 at Snowbird

We received the following announcement from Dan Grayson:
Dear Macaulay 2 user,
With funding from the NSF, we are organizing a Macaulay 2 workshop, for the period Saturday, June 28, 2008 to Thursday, July 3, just after the MRC meetings of the AMS. Pending final confirmation, the location of the workshop will be Snowbird, Utah. Travel days will be the Saturday and the Thursday, and activities will start Saturday evening. (This is not the same event as the Macaulay 2 conference in March.)
The purpose of the workshop is to bring the Macaulay 2 developers together with those who would like to share or to develop their skills at writing packages for Macaulay 2 and at developing the corresponding mathematical algorithms. Sample software projects that might be undertaken are visible here.
Attendance is by invitation only, and financial support is available for approximately 15 people. If you would like to attend, please let us know as soon as possible. Everyone interested is encouraged to apply, including graduate students and postdocs. Your application should include

  1. information about what algorithms you would like to work on, and what you have done in the past,
  2. a good estimate of travel expenses, and whether you would require financial support for housing and meals, and if you will be willing to share a room, (rooms are in limited supply, if additional single rooms are available, and you want one, we may ask you to pay the additional cost of $52 per night).
  3. your current institution, and if you are a graduate student, your advisor’s name.

We would like to receive applications by March 1 (THIS SATURDAY) and to allocate funds to participants by March 15.
Our organizer for the workshop is Amelia Taylor, and applications should be directed to her.
A few other pieces of information you may need:

  1. If we pay for your travel, it should be on an American air carrier, if at all possible.
  2. Please commit to being present for the entire workshop.
  3. Our meals will be joint and our menus will be arranged in advance.
  4. You will need to bring your laptop with Macaulay 2 on it to the workshop.

David Eisenbud
Daniel R. Grayson
Michael E. Stillman
Amelia Taylor

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