The Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy , Bucharest, and Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Bucharest University, in cooperation with Romanian Mathematical Society and Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Ovidius University of Constanta will organize a Conference on Homological and Combinatorial Aspects in Commutative Algebra, July 5-10, 2007, in Buşteni, Romania.
Confirmed speakers so far include:
- Luchezar Avramov
- Winfried Bruns
- Craig Huneke
- Jürgen Herzog
- Takayuki Hibi
- Craig Huneke
- Mordechai Katzman
- Graham Leuschke
- Gaetana Restuccia
- Tim Römer
- Sean Sather-Wagstaff
- Peter Schenzel
- Aron Simis
- Santiago Zarzuela
For more information please see the conference web page.