New Journal: Algebra & Number Theory

We received the following from David Eisenbud:

Dear Algebraists,
We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new journal: Algebra & Number Theory
The purpose of the journal is to provide an alternative to the current range of commercial specialty journals in these fields – an alternative of higher quality and much lower cost.
The policies of Algebra & Number Theory are set by the editorial board, a group of working mathematicians, rather than by a profit-oriented company, so they will remain friendly to mathematicians’ interests. In particular, they will promote broad dissemination, easy electronic access, and permissive use of content to the greatest extent compatible with survival of the journal. The journal is published by Mathematical Sciences Publishers, using the efficient model that has proved successful for its other journals, such as Geometry & Topology.
Please encourage your library to subscribe! And submit your high-quality original articles to us!
For more information, see

David Eisenbud, chair of the editorial board
Bjorn Poonen, managing editor
(on behalf of the editorial board)

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