In the tradition of commutative algebra and algebraic geometry meetings in the Midwest, there will be a “Midwest Algebra, Geometry and their Interactions Conference” (MAGIC), October 8-11, 2005 at University of Notre Dame.
The conference is organized by Alberto Corso, Juan Migliore, and Claudia Polini. Much more information, including a list of speakers, registration and funding, accomodations, and directions, are available on the conference website.
The conference will be preceded by a public lecture about the importance of mathematics in everyday life. This event is scheduled in the evening of Friday (October 7, 2005)
update: The following speakers have (tentatively) agreed to give a talk at the conference:
- Giulio Caviglia (MSRI – University of California at Berkeley)
- Karen Chandler (University of Notre Dame – Harvard University)
- Marc Chardin (Jussieu – Paris VI)
- Steven Dale Cutkosky (University of Missouri)
- Lawrence Ein (University of Illinois at Chicago)
- David Eisenbud (MSRI – University of California at Berkeley)
- Anthony Geramita (Queen’s University – Università di Genova)
- Elisa Gorla (Universität Zürich)
- Brian Harbourne (University of Nebraska)
- Robin Hartshorne (University of California at Berkeley)
- William Heinzer (Purdue University)
- Melvin Hochster (University of Michigan)
- Robert Lazarsfeld (University of Michigan)
- Tien-Yien Li (Michigan State University)
- Joseph Lipman (Purdue University)
- Gennady Lyubeznik (University of Minnesota)
- Rosa M. Miró-Roig (Universitat de Barcelona)
- Uwe Nagel (University of Kentucky)
- Chris Peterson (Colorado State University)
- J. Maurice Rojas (Texas A&M University)
- Joachim Rosenthal (University of Notre Dame – Universität Zürich)
- Frank-Olaf Schreyer (Universität des Saarlandes)
- Aron Simis (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco)
- Anurag Singh (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Karen Smith (University of Michigan)
- Hema Srinivasan (University of Missouri)
- Bernd Sturmfels (University of California at Berkeley)
- Irena Swanson (New Mexico State University)
- Bernd Ulrich (Purdue University)
- Wolmer Vasconcelos (Rutgers University)
- Jan Verschelde (University of Illinois at Chicago)
- Charles Wampler (General Motors Research and Development Center)
- Zhonggang Zeng (Eastern Illinois University)