The 30th annual Arkansas Spring Lecture Series in the Mathematical Sciences, at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, will be held April 14 – 16, 2005. The topic for this year’s Lecture Series is “Recent Developments in Tight Closure.” The principal lecturers are
- Mel Hochster (University of Michigan)
- Craig Huneke (University of Kansas).
- Invited speakers include
- Holger Brenner (University of Sheffield)
- Nobuo Hara (Tohoku University)
- Gennady Lyubeznik (University of Minnesota)
- Anurag Singh (Georgia Tech University)
- Shunsuke Takagi (Kyushu University).
There will also be a public lecture by Mel Hochster, “Women in Mathematics”.
For more information, consult the conference website.